Lipstick smudges, eyeliner never works, etc. - every woman who regularly applies make-up knows all these problems. So what are some genius makeup tricks you should definitely know?
With our make-up we can skilfully conceal small flaws and bring out our best features. But unfortunately sometimes everything doesn't go as planned and then we ask ourselves the question - how do the professionals do it? It doesn't matter if you're a total beauty pro or a total beginner - we could all do a fewgeniale Make-up Tricksuse that make the process smoother.
Would you like to finally perfect your eyeliner? Or are you wondering whether and how you could save your dried mascara? Below you will find some ingenious makeup tricks that will take your makeup routine to the next level!
Baby powder for full eyelashes
Often underestimated, eyelashes play just as important a role in our appearance as eyebrows. And if you have yourEyelashes appear fullerIf you want to leave it alone, all you need is some baby powder. After the first coat of mascara, lightly dust your eyelashes with baby powder and then apply another coat of mascara. Isn't this a really genius makeup trick?
Save dried mascara
We've all been there - our favorite mascara has become very clumpy overnight and is almost impossible to apply. Instead of throwing it away and panicking, add a few drops of saline solution to the tube and give it a good shake. Here's a little beauty tip - don't use your mascara for longer than 3 months. Afterwards, they collect bacteria inside, which in some cases can lead to serious eye infections.
Use the eyeshadow as eyeliner
No eyeliner? No problem! One of the brilliant makeup tricks you should try – using eyeshadow as eyeliner! This actually works just as well and the choice of colors is also much larger. Wet an eyeliner brush very lightly with water and dip it into your desired eyeshadow. And then apply the eyeliner as usual – it’s that easy.
White eyeliner to make eyes look bigger
Have you always dreamed of big and expressive eyes? Then replace your black eyeliner with a white one. While a dark eyeliner visually makes the eyes smaller, a white eyeliner has the opposite effect. It doesn't have to be pure white, though—just find an eyeliner that's a few shades lighter than your skin tone. To create the illusion of larger eyes, apply white eyeliner to the lower waterline.
Also interesting:These are 6 common eyeliner mistakes we all make!
Draw eyeliner with a spoon
Pretty smudged or blurry - that's how most of our attempts to draw the perfect eyeliner end up. The ideal eyeliner is a science in itself and even one wrong movement can ruin all our efforts. That's all over now, because we have discovered the ingenious make-up trick that makes the task much easier. All you need is a teaspoon! To achieve the perfect eyeliner end, hold the spoon handle at an angle to the eyelid and very carefully draw an eyeliner. Then place the spoon with the inwardly curved side on the eyelid and trace the outline. Finally, blacken the area between the two lines and draw another line along the lash line.
Simply make up smokey eyes
Smokey eyes are always an eye-catcher, but they can quickly go from sultry to sloppy. Here's an ingenious make-up trick on how to create the perfect smokey eyes. Take a cream eyeliner or kohl pencil and draw a slanted hashtag symbol on the outer third of the eyelid. Then blend with a small makeup sponge and your eye makeup is ready!
Make lips appear fuller
Be part of the team toonarrow and thin lips? Then this ingenious makeup trick is exactly what you need! Lip shapes with the so-called Cupid's bow look seductive and are particularly popular among beauty enthusiasts. The Cupid's bow is the heart-shaped hollow in the middle of the upper lip and the more pronounced it is, the fuller our lips appear. To do this, take a lip liner in the color of your lipstick and draw an X on the heart of your lips. Then use lipstick to trace the contour of the lips and fill them in.
Prevent lipstick on your teeth
Lipstick on your teeth doesn't look particularly nice and can quickly ruin our entire makeup look. Fortunately, there is an ingenious makeup trick that can easily prevent this. First, apply your lipstick as usual. To absorb the excess color, first wash your hands and shape your lips into an “O.” Then put your finger between your lips, close your mouth and pull your finger out again. And that's it - you can quickly prevent lipstick from getting on your teeth.
Lip peeling
Especially in autumn and winter, our lips tend to become dry and chapped and this can make applying lipstick a real challenge. Just as we regularly exfoliate our face, a lip peeling would also be useful in the cold season. This will remove dry skin and allow the lipstick to apply more evenly.
Also read:Make your face look slimmer: With these helpful make-up tips and tricks it works!