Simple smokey eye make-up in brown and gold – make-up instructions for a smoky look

Smokey eyes are breathtakingly beautiful and are without a doubt one of the real beauty classics. The smoky effect is dramatic and timeless and makes your eyes a real highlight. You don't necessarily need flashy and elaborate make-up to achieve a glamorous look. You can't just wear the smoky look in black. Many other colors are also possible and make the perfect appearance possible. We have simple smokey eye make-up instructions ready for you that even beginners can easily follow.

Simple smokey eye makeup – products and makeup tools

In order for you to enjoy perfect smokey eyes, you should firstthe right equipmentpresent. An eyeshadow brush, eyeshadow in a darker and a lighter shade, as well as eyeliner and mascara are part of the basic equipment.

For simple smokey eye make-up in brown and gold you need the following make-up products and tools:

Setting powder
Bronzer, matt
Brown eyeshadow pencil
Black eyeliner
Golden eyeshadow
Make-up sponge
Flacher Foundationpinsel
Blending brush
Small blender brush
Flat eyeshadow brush

Make-up instructions step-by-step

1. To prepare the eyelids, apply some concealer to the eyelids in spots and blend it with a makeup sponge.
2. Fix with setting powder and flat foundation brush.

3. Contour the eye crease with matte finish bronzer and a small blender brush.
4. Apply bronzer along the lower lash line as well.

5. Apply brown eyeshadow along the upper lash line and blend with the blending brush.
6. Apply another layer to enhance the eyeshadow color.

7. Highlight the outer corner of the lower eyelid and blend with the same brush.
8. Apply the gold eyeshadow under the crease of the eye and where the brown eyeshadow fades. Blend well.

9. Line the waterline of the upper eyelid with black eyeliner. This technique achieves a strong intensity of the eyelashes. Any bright spots that may be present are also visually neutralized. The eye is defined and brought into greater focus.

10. Last but not least, apply mascara to the top and bottom of your eyelashes to create an expressive look.