40 great outfits combined with Adidas NMD for women

Our editorial team has already shown you how you can combine platform sneakers. And in today's article we reveal how women wear the famous Adidas NMD to look casual and chic at the same time. We have collected 40 examples showing different outfits with these modern sneakers. Dresses, trousers, jeans, skirts – you are spoiled for choice. Additionally, NMD is available in a variety of colors and patterns. We are sure there is an Adidas NMD model that suits your style. The versatility of these beautiful sneakers will amaze you!

Adidas NMD is a lifestyle sneaker that pays homage to moments from Adidas' collective memory. The NMD references classic Adidas shoes such as the Micro Pacer, the Rising Star and the Boston Super and reinterprets familiar elements. The NMD sneakers have a BOOST midsole, which is characterized by high durability, shock resistance and stability. The upper is made of Adidas Primeknit and offers a new level of flexibility and comfort. Comfortable shoes are essential in everyday life.

The NMD collection includes the following models: NMD_R1, NMD_R2, XR1, CS1 and CS2 (City Sock). No matter which model suits your style, the NMDs bring modern looks and innovative technology to the road. Even combined with a simple outfit, they are real eye-catchers.

The NMD collection stands for being inspired by the past but always looking to the future. It's a sneaker for a nomadic lifestyle without limits.

It is possible to look feminine and stylish with sneakers. And our great collection of ideas is proof! Even the most famous fashionistas have swapped high heels for sneakers. Whether you want to wear a dress, skirt or jeans, the Adidas NMD suits every style. Don't be afraid to experiment with contrasts and combine sneakers with a blazer or skirt. The ideas and possible combinations in our gallery will fascinate you!