Free ankles as a fashion trend in 2023: What does flanking mean and is the trend healthy?

A cozy sweater, a thick coat, a scarf and a hat – in the cold winter months we prefer to stay wrapped up warm. But even in sub-zero temperatures, many fashionistas' bare ankles shine out of their shoes. Free ankles as a fashion trend do look chic – we admit that. But what exactly is flanking and is the trend a good idea in winter?

Foto: astrakanimages/envato elements

Wrapped up thickly at the top and “nothing at the bottom” – free ankles as a fashion trend are once again experiencing a huge comeback and are causing heated discussions in the fashion world. Rolled-up jeans and bare skin in fine pumps or sneakers - sounds a bit strange at first glance, but it is actually one of the hottest looks for the cold season. So that you always stay up to date, we'll tell you what's behind the flanking trend.

Foto: @estheraguirre/instagram

The so-called flanking has been causing a real hype for some time and free ankles as a fashion trend can be seen everywhere. The term comes from English and is a mixture of the words “flashing” and “ankle”.

Photo: @isabelladuder/instagram

And that pretty much explains everything, right? Whether cloth trousers orclassic skinny jeans– When flanking, the trousers are intentionally rolled up or shortened, even in sub-zero temperatures, to reveal exposed ankles.

Photo: @isabelladuder/instagram

The look looks pretty great and is also a great way to show off ourfancy shoesoptimally staged. Because sneakers and thick wool socks are probably not a stylish combination, but we still ask ourselves - are free ankles a good idea as a fashion trend in the cold season?

Is flanking unhealthy?

Photo: @jasmineslh/instagram

Even though the fashion trend of free ankles gives the look a casual and cool touch, for me it really screams of a cold and I would actually rather do without it.

Photo: @jasmineslh/instagram

When it comes to flanking, opinions differ. While some claim that bare feet in winter weakens the immune system, some strongly believe that flanking is beneficial to health and even strengthens our immune system. There is no single answer to the question of whether free ankles are healthy or unhealthy in winter - everyone has to decide for themselves.

Tips to Rock Bare Ankles as a Fashion Trend

Photo: @jasmineslh/instagram

Do you think free ankles are a really cool fashion trend, but at the same time you don't feel like catching a cold? Then follow our tips to rock flanking this winter.

Pimping Schuhe

Absolutely any sneaker can easily be spiced up with an insole or small warmers. When temperatures are below zero, we would recommend using aluminum insoles to insulate the cold.

Apply warm cream to your feet

As soon as it gets really cold outside, body lotion is a great option to warm your body. Moisturizing creams also protect the skin from drying out. To try out free ankles as a fashion trend, look for products with stimulating oils, such as ginger oil, as these additionally vitalize and warm the skin. Since water puts additional strain on our skin at low temperatures, make sure that the cream has a low water content.

Fußpeeling im Winter

What applies to our face logically also applies to our feet. Regular peelings stimulate blood circulation and have a positive effect on our immune system. And that would be a big advantage when it comes to flanking as a fashion trend.