Make your own glitter nails: Make your nails sparkle with these cool design ideas!

One of the biggest trends in nail art 2022/2023 is the use of materials other than nail polish to create unique, textured designs. Short or long nails with glitter and stones can be surprisingly sophisticated. A little glitter is really all you need to brighten up an otherwise boring manicure or take your nail art to the next level. Let yourself be inspired - below we will show you pictures of elegant, simple nail designs. Also find out how you can make glitter nails yourself so that you sparkle on New Year's Eve!

Make your own glitter nails – white or red nail designs for New Year’s Eve

There are two main techniques for applying glitter powder. The first technique results in a nail that is completely covered in glitter and is perfectfor special occasionsor simply for a bold statement. The second technique results in a sparser glitter (a glitter gradient) that creates a really cool effect when applied over paint for a wearable everyday look.For a nail design, which is stylish and can be worn every day, you can choose, for example, French or pink manicure with glitter!

What you need:

  • Unterlack
  • Nail polish
  • Top coat
  • Glitter-Pulver

Before you begin, you should place something on your work surface, such as printing paper, so that you can easily remove the excess glitter and pour it back into the container.As with any manicureYou should remove the nail polish you are currently wearing. Now it's time for the fun part.

Instructions for technique #1 – glitter everywhere

  1. Apply a clear base coat. Be sure to apply it evenly so the glitter adheres to the entire nail!
  2. Dip your nail into the glitter container, lay it flat on the surface and roll it back and forth a little to cover the sides.
  3. Pat your finger to remove excess glitter. If you find that the glitter is chunky or not completely even, you can press it down with your fingers.
  4. Glitter will likely get on your cuticles. Be sure to wipe it down to ensure the finished product looks precise. An eyeshadow brush is perfect for this because it gets all the glitter off without getting it on your other hand's fingers or messing up your nails.

Instructions for Technique #2 – a little glitter

  1. Apply a clear base coat and color as you would with a regular manicure. You can use a very light pink or purple, as mentioned, but darker or brighter colors - black and neon, for example - also look great.
  2. While the polish is still wet, use your other hand to take a pinch of glitter and sprinkle it onto the nail.
  3. Tap off the excess and wipe the cuticles clean.
  4. Make sure the nails on one hand are completely dry before painting the nails on the other hand.

Apply top coat:

Repeat these steps for the rest of your nails. Or leave it alone and just do a few nails that are shimmery. The choice is yours. After applying the glitter, we recommend at least two coats of top coat to achieve a really good seal and a smooth texture. Be sure to proceed carefully to avoid wiping off pieces of glitter as you apply.

Make your own glitter nails with nail polish

You can beautify your square, oval or stiletto nails with a new design. Take a make-up sponge (you shouldn't use an expensive beauty blender, a cheap make-up sponge is also suitable for this). Quality doesn't play a big role here. You just need the texture of the sponge to soak up the polish and get the glitter.

To achieve a full-coverage glitter manicure, it is important to use a high-quality nail polish. If you use a cheap nail polish that is more sticky than glittery, it will take forever to get the right effect.

Choose affordable,classic nail polishesor spice up your look with a holographic nail polish. A dramatic silver holo glitter nail polish or a super chic gold holo glitter nail polish make this manicure festive.


If you've chosen a glitter nail polish, apply it to the edge of the sponge and dab it onto your nails. You probably only need one layer.

Matte nails with glitter

One of the easiest ways to create an eye-catching nail design is to combine matte nail polish with glitter. Enhance a cool matte manicure with matching accent nails. Do you want to really let it rip? Use a matte top coat over your glitter nail polish.

Nail professional tip:It is particularly important to use a high-quality, matte top coat and to take your time. If you miss spots or don't use a full-coverage polish, it will quickly look like a messy mix of gloss and matte.

Idea for glitter gradient

There are several ways to do faded glitter nails. You can use a sponge to create a faded effect, but you can also use the good old brush.