Anyone who has aKindbetween 4 and 14 years old knows the latest trend – rubber bracelets. They are colorful and spice up the simple school outfit, such as jeans and a T-shirt. The best thing about the bracelets is that you can make them in no time. Students love the trend and often gift these bracelets as a sign of eternal friendship or love. These bangles are also a cool idea to give as a gift if you are just invited to a child's birthday party. You can simply make several rubber bracelets together and use them to arrange the gift - or give a craft set straight away.
If you want to make rubber bracelets with your child, you need a little prior knowledge. The jewelry comes from America - children there have been collecting and exchanging bracelets with each other for a long time. These are popular mainly because they are a cool pastime for the rainy days. Parents and children can enjoy being together while tying the rubber bands. The bangles are also practical for children's parties. You have two options to choose from. For example, you can buy a craft kit. These sets contain a hook, rubber bands, clips and the so-called loom / on which the rubber bands are strung. This allows you to create numerous designs, both simple and difficult. If you are more skilled or already have some crafting experience, you can make the rubber bands yourself using two pencils.
Combine different colors
The designs themselves vary in difficulty - some are suitable for beginners and others for more advanced users. Depending on theknotting techniqueand the width and length of the bracelet, the number of rubber bands used can vary greatly, but you should expect around 25-40 rubber bands.
Creative ideas for making rubber bracelets
You can create great bracelets from the colorful rubber bands even without a professional set. You can weave a simple fresh bone pattern using two pins and rainbow looms in colors of your choice. The first step is to stretch a rubber band crosswise around the pins to create a figure eight shape. Then take the next rubber band and stretch it as well, but without crossing it. Make sure the two elastics are close together and repeat the same with the third elastic. Then grab the lowest rubber on the right side and pull it over the right pin. Now repeat the same step with the left side. The result is a link between the pins. Continue with the next colored rubber bands as already described. Then check the length on your wrist and attach a clasp.
Have more on if possible
Without a frame, you can also make a bracelet with the interesting dragon scale pattern. The materials you need are rubber rings, clasp, fork and crochet hook. As explained above, stretch two rubber bands into a figure eight. The one rubber on the first and two prongs and the second eight on the other two prongs. Place a rubber band in a contrasting color over the middle two prongs. Then, using the same tines, pull the bottom rubber bands over the top bands. Now stretch two more rubber bands onto two tines each. Then lift the bottom rubber bands over the top ones on all four prongs. Continue braiding the bracelet until you reach the desired length. Regularly pull the band tight on the back of the fork. Take the crochet hook and thread the four loops onto it. Pull another rubber ring through the four crochets and hang up the S-hook to close it.
Inspiring ideas
For the next pattern you will need rubber rings in two colors, a fork instead of a loom and an S-clip to close it. Stretch the rubber over the first and third prongs of the fork and twist it into a figure eight. Take a rubber ring from the second color, twist it again into a figure eight and slide it over the second and fourth tines of the fork. Repeat these steps. Rotate the fork so that you see it from the front. Pull the rubber bands over the tips of each tine. Repeat all steps from the beginning. If your bracelet is already the right length, pull the loops from the first prong over the second and then the fourth over the third. Finally, carefully pull off the remaining loops and attach the S-clip.
Loom ribbons combined with ironing beads also look great. Pull the rubber band over two fingers or pens and twist it into a figure eight. Thread two more rubber bands over it. Pull the edges of the bottom elastic over your fingers. You can pull the clasp through in the middle where the straps come together. Take a bead and pull the next elastic band through it. Also thread the elastic with the bead over your fingers. Pull the lowest band over your fingers on the right and left again.
This is followed by another ribbon with pearl. Repeat the steps already described until the loom band with beads is long enough. Put the last two loops together and attach the clasp. If you want colorful bracelets, you can combine beads of different colors. Let your creativity run wild and create your own composition. With rubber bands you can not only make bracelets, but also create key chains, animals, small bags and even sandals.
For the girls – with floral motifs
For the boys
With a craft set, knotting becomes child's play
And best of all – the materials are very cheap
Numerous imaginative designs are possible
In the USA – as a sign of love and friendship