Nail design is part of styling and, similar to clothing, several designs are possible. Fingernails can take on a variety of shapes, but not all of them fit every hand. Whether your hands look narrow, delicate or, on the contrary, shorter and chubby depends on how you shape your nails. We have summarized 7 nail trends and give you tips on how best to file them.
Shaping nails – 7 nail trends at a glance
Over time, hand in hand with fashion have become manyThe nail shape is perfectestablished. In addition to your individual style, a decisive factor is your everyday life and job. In some industries it is mandatory to keep your fingernails as short and inconspicuous as possible. However, short nails can also look modern and well-groomed. Weekly nail and hand care is usually enough to always present a beautiful manicure. There are also many options for nail designs available. Of course, these require certain filing techniques to achieve the desired effect. There are basically 7 different nail shapes - square or rounded, round or oval, almond-shaped and the currently very popular ones - stiletto and coffin.
Sporty ladies have angular shape for their fingernails, and they also like to wear them a little shorter. To do this, the sides are filed vertically and the nail edge is filed horizontally from the outside to the inside. You should The two corners are connected straight to each other and are parallel. The tip of the nail should be wide and straight at the end, not oval. The following applies: the narrower the nail board, the cooler the angular shape looks. In this sense, this shape is not suitable for women with wide nails.
Squoval nails are considered a variation of square and oval together. Proceed in a similar way and finally round off the corners with the file. With shorter fingernails, no longer than the tip of the nail, this shape looks particularly natural and visually lengthens the fingers.
Everyone can wear round nail shapes and are particularly popular with women with short, brittle fingernails. Your hands look very tidy and well-groomed without having to invest a lot of effort in regular care. This nail shape is advisable for demanding activities and in professional life. File the nails evenly from the nail board up to the tip of the nail.
The oval nail shape is undoubtedly the most elegant and ladylike among all. It is ideal for women with wide nails as it makes the fingers appear narrower and longer. It works best when the nails are a little longer. First, file the side walls straight and start rounding the corners by filing downwards at an angle from the tip of the nail. In the middle, the nail board should not be too pointed, but rather gentle.
Almond shape
The almond shape is very similar to the oval one, only the tip of the nail isfiled to a point. They are very trendy and more suitable for long fingernails. In principle, the length should be a third of the length of the nail bed so that the nail design is aesthetically successful. Now file your nails into the shape of an almond. This means filing the side walls straight and making them narrower towards the front, but not pointed. The almond shape is perfect for every hand shape and is absolutely suitable for everyday use.
Coffin or ballerina
Coffin or also called ballerina, is undoubtedly the trendiest nail shape of all. It is a mixture of the square and oval shapes. It is also great for wider nails and, thanks to the flat tip, for narrower ones. The nail board is filed in a similar way to the almond shape. First file the side walls straight and then file them slightly towards the front. Then place the file straight on the tip of the nail and remove it until it ends as flat as possible with two straight corners.
Stiletto is a nail shape for extroverted, self-confident women who like to experiment and take risks. The fingernails end very pointedly and make women's hands look particularly feminine and longer. Therefore, a nail design with this nail shape suits wider nails and short fingers perfectly. Because of its striking nature, this nail shape is not intended for everyday use, but rather for Saturday evenings or special occasions. When modeled in extra length, the nails quickly appear witch-like or even cheap. To achieve the perfect shape, the file is placed in the middle of the nail and the corners are filed downwards at an angle. Do not underestimate the specific shape, as it can quickly look crooked or even break off due to inexperienced hands.