If you've gone to the trouble of applying your favorite nail polish and then it starts to peel off after a few days (or even hours!), it can be very annoying. If you want to prevent your nail polish from chipping in the future, you should find out what is causing the problem.
Not only is this a waste of time and money, but it also ruins the overall look of your manicure. Whether it's due to poor application or environmental influences, nail polish is more likely to come off if it isn't bonded to the nail bed strongly enough. Nail polish peels off quickly? Discover the most common causes and the best solutions here! Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, these tips will help you get a manicure that lasts and looks great.
Your nail polish is chipping because of these causes!
Inadequate planning of manicure
If you do not properly clean and prepare your nails before application, there is a higher chance of the nail polish flaking.
Greasy nails
A typical cause of chipped nail polish are nails that tend to form oil. The oils that our nails produce on their own can pose a challenge for nail polish. Nail polish that does not adhere to the nail bed will quickly chip or flake off. To prevent this, you should always clean your nails well before applying polish. To do this, use an acetone-based nail polish remover to break down and rinse away any oils and debris left on the nail surface. To ensure that your nails are completely clean and free of oils, you should wash your hands with soap and water after using nail polish remover. If you prevent oil from building up on your nails before applying polish, your manicure will last longer and look better.
Poor quality of nail polish
It's true that not all paints are created equal. Inferior nail polishes may not adhere as well to nails due to a weaker composition.
Base coat or top coat missing
You can use a base and top coat to prevent your nail polish from flaking. So don't forget the base coat or top coat. Believe us, the wait is worth it. Use a quality base coat to prepare the nails for polish, then a similar top coat to protect the manicure from chips and smudges.
Nail polish peels off quickly due to moisture
Another common problem is nail polish peeling due to moisture: moisture on the nails prevents the nail polish from adhering properly, resulting in peeling and peeling. To prevent nail polish from softening and flaking, wait at least an hour after application before exposing your nails to water. This means that you should wait for the nail polish to dry completely before doing things like washing dishes, showering, or going swimming.
You should also consider nail care products such as lotions, oils, and hand creams. The nail polish will not adhere properly if lotion or oil is applied to the nails or hands shortly before or after application. After applying hand lotion or hand cream, wait at least half an hour before painting your nails.
Make nail polish last longer
You can make your nail polish last longer with these helpful tips
Apply nail polish layers correctly – tips
A manicure that lasts a long time and looks beautiful can be achievedwhen you use the nail polishApply in thin, even coats, waiting for each coat to dry before applying the next.
Apply a base coat first and wait for it to dry before applying paint. Use a brush to apply the paint in even strokes, waiting for each coat to dry before applying another. Applying several thin coats is preferable to a thick coat, as the latter takes longer to dry and shows stains and chips more easily. Finally, apply a top coat of paint.
The top coat not only prevents the paint from chipping, but also provides an additional layer of protection against peeling. It's best to wait for the nail polish to dry completely between coats. The coats can easily smear or flake if you try to apply the next coat too quickly. Patience pays off when it comes to a manicure.
Paint the edge of the nail tip
Add the finishing touch to your manicure by painting the edge of the nail tip. This is a way to protect the tips of your nails from peeling polish and extend the life of your manicure.
Protect your nails when brushing
Wear gloves when cleaning or washing dishes,about your manicureto protect from harsh chemicals. The paint may crack or peel if it comes into contact with harsh chemicals or cleaning products.
File your nails properly
Always file your nails in one direction, not back and forth. This will prevent your nails from becoming brittle and weak, which is a common cause of chipped nail polish.
Nail hardeners work wonders
To make your manicure last longer and strengthen thin or brittle nails, you should use a nail hardener.
Here you will findthe current pedicure trendsfor summer 2023!