How to lower blood sugar quickly is a question that people with type 2 diabetes often ask themselves. The reason is that they want to keep their blood sugar levels under control without taking medication. Sometimes diabetics feel like their sugar levels are high, but not so high that they need medication. On the other hand, since medications can lower their blood sugar levels too much, they want to try other ways to naturally lower blood sugar by a few points. If you are a diabeticpay attention to healthy eating and exercise, but still had a cheat day or a high-carb dinner yesterday, here are a few tricks and home remedies on how to quickly lower blood sugar.
Test blood sugar levels first
When your blood sugar levels are high, you may feel irritable, tired, and sluggish. Thirst, dry mouth and racing heart are also common symptoms of high blood sugar. However, these symptoms can also be attributed to many other conditions. So before you try to lower your blood sugar levels with home remedies, it is advisable to check the values first. In some cases, your blood sugar may be normal or low.
Quickly reduce short-term blood sugar spikes after eating
Vinegar lowers blood sugar
Apple cider vinegar hasmany health benefits. It can decrease blood sugar production in the liver or increase its use by cells. Studies also show that vinegar significantly influences the body's response to sugar and improves insulin sensitivity.
A 2005 study from Lund University in Sweden found that vinegar can lower the glycemic index (GI) of a bread meal. A total of 12 healthy people took part in the study. Three amounts of vinegar (18, 23, and 28 mmol of acetic acid) were served with a portion of white wheat bread containing 50 g of carbohydrate content as breakfast after an overnight fast. Bread without vinegar was used as a reference meal. After 120 minutes, blood samples were taken for analysis of glucose and insulin.
The results showed that the vinegar with the highest acid concentration significantly reduced blood sugar response at 30 and 45 minutes and insulin response at 15 and 30 minutes after eating. The addition of vinegar to white wheat bread also increased subjective ratings of satiety.
To quickly lower your blood sugar, add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to 200 milliliters of water. You can also add vinegar to salad dressings. However, it is important to discuss the use of apple cider vinegar with your doctor if you are already taking blood sugar-lowering medications.
Cinnamon can regulate blood sugar levels
Studies show that cinnamon can also lower blood sugar levels by up to 30%. It slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates in the digestive tract, thereby alleviating the rise in blood sugar after a meal. Cinnamon works similarly to insulin, although much slower. In 2007, a research team from Sweden found that adding 6 grams of cinnamon to 300 grams of rice pudding significantly slows the glucose reaction.
Cinnamon is also rich in chromium, which is responsible for binding insulin to cell membrane receptors. With its help, glucose transport into cells is increased 15-20 times. Without chromium, the cells become “insulin resistant”.
An effective dose of cinnamon is 1-6 grams of cinnamon per day, or about 0.5 to 2 teaspoons. However, be sure not to consume more than that as too much cinnamon can be harmful.
If you get oneMake a smoothie, sprinkle in some cinnamon. Roasted almonds with cinnamon are a particularly tasty and healthy snack. Choose a low carb or keto recipe. These recipes are usually sugar-free and contain sweeteners that are suitable for diabetics.
Natural cocoa can be beneficial
Researchers have found that certain compounds found in cocoa may actually help the body release more insulin and respond better to elevated blood sugar. It's about the polyphenols epicatechin and catechin, which change glucose metabolism in the intestine and stimulate insulin production in the pancreas. A 2017 study suggests that sustained cocoa consumption over long periods of time may have a greater impact on insulin resistance than single doses of cocoa products.
Dark chocolate with at least 85% cocoa contains very little added sugar. However, people with diabetes should limit their chocolate intake to one or two small squares of dark chocolate per day. A good idea for diabetics, for example, is this chocolate spread: Mix a pack of cream cheese with one to two tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder and one to two teaspoonsErythritol to taste– the sugar-free treat is ready!
Make yourself a green smoothie!
People with type 2 diabetes often have less magnesium in their blood. Green leafy vegetables like lettuce, kale and spinach are rich in magnesium, which supports healthy glucose levels. You can have many smoothie recipesin this articlefind. Experiment with different ingredients so you don't get bored with the taste. Spinach and avocado form the perfect basis for a delicious, green smoothie. Add some coconut oil as vitamin K is fat soluble.
Take a quick walk!
One of the quickest ways to lower your blood sugar is to exercise. A short walk is the easiest way to achieve this. If you don't want to venture too far from home, take a walk or two around the block. Exercise for 5 to 15 minutes and then check your blood sugar again. However, if your blood sugar is above 240 mg/dL, you should have your urine tested for ketones. If ketones are present, exercise may not be recommended.
Add good fat
Healthy fats slow the release of glucose in the intestines. Simply add healthy oils and fats to every meal or eat them as a snack between meals.
Good sources of monounsaturated fats are:
rapeseed oil
Nuts like almonds, cashews, pecans and peanuts
Olive oil and olives
Peanut butter and peanut oil
The sesame seed
Watch the calories! Like all fats, nuts and oils are high in calories. If you want to lose weight, you should only eat small portions of these foods. For example, 6 almonds or 4 pecan halves have the same number of calories as 1 teaspoon of oil or butter.
Polyunsaturated fats are also “healthy” fats. Good sources are:
On the corn
Cottonseed oil
Safflower oil
Soy beer
sunflower oil
Pumpkin or sunflower seeds
Take a warm bath
Treat yourself to a warm bath or take a warm shower for about 15-20 minutes. Warm water increases blood flow to the skin and allows insulin to flow throughout the body. Drink a glass of water before you go swimming to prevent dehydration. Check the water temperature carefully on your wrist or use a thermometer. The temperature should be below 40 degrees.
Check your blood sugar after showering and see how much it went down and if it went down at all. For some people there is little effect, while others report feeling weak and dizzy because of the heat. So, to avoid hypoglycemia, you should know what effect this method has on you.
When should you see a doctor?
It is important to note that very high blood sugar levels can be dangerous and it is important to know the symptoms and risk factors of the following conditions:
- Diabetic Ketoazidosis– a form of metabolic acidosis that is particularly common as a complication in type 1 diabetes when there is an absolute insulin deficiency.
- Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state – severe hyperglycemia, which is particularly common as a complication of type 2 diabetes.
If you have type 1 diabetes, a blood sugar level above 250 mg/dL, accompanied by a ketone level above 20 mg/dL and/or symptoms of ketoacidosis, will likely require a trip to the emergency room for intravenous fluids.
If you have difficulty keeping your blood sugar levels under control, talk to your doctor.
Keep blood sugar levels stable
It can be very difficult for someone with diabetes to maintain stable blood sugar levels. However, one must try to keep blood sugar levels constant and avoid the ups and downs of blood sugar levels. This has become the mantra of diabetes care today. Just like an elite athlete who is always training, a diabetic must always work to maintain normal blood sugar levels. This is a relatively new concept. Diet, exercise and medications must be optimized every day to avoid complications of diabetes and live a long and healthy life. The difference is that the reward for all this work comes later.