Personal style is something that sets a woman apart from the crowd. In doing so, she makes an indirect statement about who she actually is. Well-groomed hands and fingernails are like the business card of a good-looking lady and are part of a beautiful appearance. It is not uncommon for modern women to neglect their fingernails in their strenuous everyday lives and because of the endless work around the house. A working mother can't always take the time to get a nice manicure. Fortunately, there are already enough products on the market that offer the opportunity to do your own nails at home. We have presented beautiful inspiration and nail motifs to make yourself here.
Ideas and tips
Before you get started, you'll need to purchase a few tools and accessories in addition to nail polishes in your favorite colors. Files, a top coat and base nail polish are part of the basic equipment of a nail salon at home. For elaborate and detailed designs, you may need a thin brush, toothpicks and decorative elements of your choice.
Simple and effective nail motifs to make yourself – glitter trend
First you need to shape your fingernails into the desired shape using a file, then apply a base. Then you can get started. Most of the time, a base color is applied first and then the nail motifs are designed. Finally, seal yoursnew nail designwith a transparent top coat that provides extra shine and makes the color more long-lasting. There are products on the market in the form of sprays or oils that help the nail polish dry faster. Nevertheless, you still need to take care of your freshly painted fingernails and protect them. Be careful when opening cans, exercising, and other household tasks that can damage your nails. It is better to wear gloves when gardening and washing dishes.
Glitter and glitter on a nude background
Now we present some beautiful nail designs that you can do yourself at home. The first idea is probably very simple and is currently trendy. You don't need much for this: base and top coat nail polish, as well as a base color in a nude tone of your choice, glitter powder in any color (here in gold) and possibly a brush.
After you have applied the base and base color and they are already dry, carefully brush the area that you want to cover with glitter with a transparent top coat. Then sprinkle the glitter over it. You can also use a small brush to apply the glitter more precisely. Finally, seal with a layer of top coat and, if desired, drip a little nail oil.
Make your own colorful flowers
This original motif puts you in a good mood thanks to the upbeat neon colors and is particularly suitable for summer parties, but also for everyday life. Of course, you decide for yourself which colors you use. With the following instructions you will quickly get the hang of it and be able to impress everyone else with beautiful nails.
You need a dotting tool and a steady hand. First apply the black nail polish to create a background on which the flowers can show off perfectly. Then use the dotting tool to design the petals in a light color and heart shape. Let the polish dry and then add slightly smaller petals in a darker shade on top. Finally, dots in yellow and leaves in green are added. Seal everything with a top coat.
Swimming technique
The sponge technique is also very practical when it comes to creating interesting effects and patterns. Choose any base coat. In this case, black was chosen. Apply some glitter polish to the sponge and gently dab it onto the nail tips and the black (or other colored) base coat. All that's missing is the top coat to fix it and you can proudly present the end result to her.