The warning of severe thunderstorms has proven to be justified. There was strong storms all over Germany and those who own a garden in particular were shocked to discover what the storm had done in the morning. All the vegetable plants that you have cared for with so much love and effort are damaged and that is of course annoying. But is there a way to secure the plants and thus the harvest? It's definitely worth a try and we'd like to give you a few tips to help you save your plants - from trees to vegetable plants, container flowers to the lawn.
Storm damage in Germany: How you can save the plants
The first sight after a strong storm is very frightening and you could literally despair. But we would like to reassure you first. The situation is not always as bad as it seems and, depending on the size, a lot can be remedied.
Broken fruit trees pose dangers
Checking the trees in the garden is not only necessary to...Save the plant yourself. Broken branches and twigs can also be life-threatening and should definitely be removed. So check all trees regarding this. How to proceed:
- Branches that are not too broken can certainly be splinted and continue to live.
- Broken onesSaw off branches.
- It is advisable to disinfect the saw beforehand to avoid transmitting any diseases.
- You can smooth out the cuts. Rough surfaces offer potential entry points for viruses and bacteria.
Vegetables and other plants save after the storm
Many plants have not yet grown very tall, because the longer the stems, the more sensitive they are to strong winds, rain and hail. Hailstones in particular can cause a lot of damage. If stems on your plants are broken or bent, you have no choice but to remove them completely. As they are, you increase your risk of infection.
What about fruits that have already grown or are yet to come?
Regardless of whether existing fruits on trees, bushes and vegetable plants have been damaged or the upcoming ones are affected by the damage, it is very annoying. But you still have the chance to save your harvest, although not to the extent you would have liked. What can you do?
- Check all fruit on trees, shrubs and other fruit-bearing plants. Any kind of damage to them can cause them to rot and then infect other fruits.
- Remove and discard damaged fruits (if they are still unripe) or harvest and store them (if they are already ripe). Some fruits and vegetables continue to ripen in storage, so in some cases they still partially ripenunripe fruits are harvestedand can be stored.
- Also check fruits that are on the ground (e.g. strawberries, zucchini, pumpkin). Direct contact with moist soil after the storm, combined with damaged areas, leads to fruit rotting particularly quickly.
Save flowers in the bed or in pots after strong storms
Ideally, potted plants that can be conveniently moved around will protect you when there is a warning of impending storms. You can place them under a canopy or protect them with fleece. If you haven't managed to do this and the potted and flower box plants are also damaged, they should also be looked after as quickly as possible.
Balcony plants in particular that could fall due to strong winds and injure someone should always be removed from the railing as a precaution when there is a warning of severe weather.
- Cut off any broken stems and broken flowers.
- Pour away water that has collected in planters and plates.
- Are the containers damaged? If necessary, replace them by repotting the plant.
- Stimulate new flower formation. This can be achieved not only with fertilizer, but for many types of flowers also by cleaning out spent (and in this case damaged) flowers. Just snap them off.
Save plants that have not suffered any obvious damage
You are probably lucky and not all garden plants are badly damaged. In this case, they can still make a dreary and limp impression. The only thing you can do in this case is to wait. After a while you will find out whether the plant has survived the whole thing or is still giving up the ghost. Simply continue with your usual care.
Standing water in the lawn or bed
Especially after heavy rainfall, as is the case during severe storms, puddles can form in uneven areas in the garden, which usually drain again shortly after the rain. If this is not the case, this is a sign that the soil needs to be loosened. This is usually not a problem in beds, you just have to be careful not to damage the roots of the plants. In any case, you should remove the water as much as possible so that the lawn or your plants do not drown.
Find out what you can do if your garden floodsin this article.