There is hardly anyone who hasn't heard of the well-known clairvoyant. Known as a phenomenon, the Bulgarian woman continues to fascinate many people from all over the world today because of her many predictions, which not only influenced the common people, but also well-known people such as politicians, artists and actors. Find out below various facts and information about the Bulgarian Baba Wanga and her life, which predictions are most famous and which celebrities visited her.
Who is Baba Vanga?
As already mentioned, Baba Wanga is a clairvoyant and healer who lived from 1911 to 1996. Her full name is Ewangelia Pandewa Gushterova, where “Baba” simply means “grandmother” in Bulgarian. She was born in the Ottoman Empire and more precisely in Strumica in what is now Macedonia. Her mother died just a few years after her birth. Due to her father's poverty, the family, which now also included a stepmother, moved to her father's hometown of Novo Selo, which is also in Macedonia. And that's exactly where her abilities began, which she didn't yet have as a small child.
During a storm, the young twelve-year-old girl was swept away by the wind and disappeared for several days. After days of finding her under rocks and dirt, it was discovered that she was blind. Nevertheless, she always claimed to be able to see what was around her. Attempts to cure the visual impairment failed and so after a while she was sent to a home for the blind, where she learned to deal with her situation and carry out everyday tasks such as sewing, setting the table or other household tasks . When her stepmother dies after three years, Baba Wanga returns to look after her siblings.
Meanwhile, her unusual abilities became more and more noticeable. She describes the predictions like dreams. Among other things, she helps her father find a sheep that was stolen from him, describing the farm where it was located in detail. During World War II, the clairvoyant gradually gained greater popularity. People whose relatives were sent to war visited them to find out whether they were still alive. Over the years, her popularity increased and people from different countries, including Russia and Serbia, visited her, with quite a few waiting at her door for several days. There wasn't really an exact order. She herself decided or “saw” who it was next. The seer also gave tipsnatural herbsto cure diseases.
After she married her husband, she moved with him to Petrich in what is now Bulgaria, where she stayed for the rest of her life. Unable to have children, the couple adopted a girl. Wanga invested most of her life in building a church, near which she was buried. She predicted her death to the exact hour. The cause of her death was cancer, which she knew about for a long time before the diagnosis but kept it secret. There are several documentaries about her life and Baba Wanga's prophecies. Even a series was filmed in Russia and released in 2013, which shows the biography of the clairvoyant.
Baba Wanga's predictions
Baba Wanga's predictions are, of course, numerous and it is difficult to summarize them all. Another problem is that the Wanga prophecies were never recorded in full and in detail. In addition, as with most other predictions, nothing was specifically named. So they leave a lot of room for interpretation. Nevertheless, we would like to name the most famous of all, which amaze many to this day. The clairvoyant predicted the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center (“The American twins will fall after being attacked by two steel birds. The wolves will howl in the bush as innocent blood is shed.”), as well as the election of Obama first colored president of the United States. Those tooNuclear disaster in Fukushimashe saw the coming and the death of the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III.
The future for Europe and the rest of the world also looks less rosy. There are also predictions for World War 3. One of them is that chemical weapons are to be used, which will cause diseases such as cancer and destroy a large part of the European population. She also foresees Islamist attacks and immigration from 2016 onwards, and that in late 2066 Europe will not only be led by Islam, but will also be attacked by states. The capital at this time is Rome. After that, socialism should return again. Baba Wanga also claims that aliens exist and even live among us. With their help, people will one day learn to live underwater. According to them, the end of the world is supposed to be in the year 3797. However, at this time, humans are now colonizing a new planet. But among all the bad prophecies there are also some positive ones: On the one hand, cloning of organs will become common practice and the end of the famine in the world should not be long in coming.
Famous people who visited Baba Wanga
What offered help to the common people was of course also forwell-known personalitiesinteresting. So it's no wonder that people also made the long journey to Petritsch to visit the well-known clairvoyant Baba Wanga. Not only was the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III among them, but even Hitler is said to have paid her a visit before the start of the Second World War. However, records that could confirm this are lacking. Stalin and the daughter of former Bulgarian President Todor Zhivkov were also some of their visitors.
A few of her wise thoughtscan be found here.