The dream catcher tattoo and its meaning + ideas for all parts of the body

What is a dream catcher? A dreamcatcher is a protective amulet originally made by the Indians of North America. It is said to catch bad dreams and keep them away from the sleeping person. A fine net of thread with a hole in the middle is woven into a round wooden frame. Beautiful dreams fly through the hole in the sleeper's head, while nightmares remain trapped in the web. A dream catcher tattoo is not only loaded with a deep meaning, but is also fascinating because of its versatility.

Origin of the motif

Today the dream catcher is generally associated with theNative American culturebut is often believed to have originated from the Ojibwa Chippewa tribe. The Lakota tribe also has its own legend about the origins of the dream catcher, which tells of the god Iktomi (the great trickster and wisdom teacher). However, most ethnographers believe that this was passed down from the Ojibwe. The Ojibwe word for dreamcatcher asabikeshiinh actually means “spider.” The patterns are similar to those that these Indians also used to make snowshoes.

While many cultures view spiders as creepy crawlies, the Ojibwe Indians saw them as a symbol of protection and comfort. According to Ojibwa legend, a mystical and motherly “spider woman” was the spiritual protector of the tribe. According to legend, the Spider Woman created the first dream catcher for a mother whose young daughter was haunted by evil nightmares at night.

Symbolism of the elements

The ancestors of the Indians created the protective amulet from willow branches and sacred herbs. To increase his strength and as decoration, feathers of an eagle (courage) or an owl (wisdom) were used. Sometimes they also drew the paw print of a bear or wolf in the center of the circle. Some Indian tribes marked eight contact points in the web with beads - corresponding to the number of spider legs.

Gemstones and pearls were also integrated into the amulet. A single stone or pearl symbolized the existence of a single path in life, chosen once and forever. The presence of four stones symbolized protection from all directions - east, south, west, north.

Feathers have a deep meaning and represent breath and air, which are vital. Suspended on the dreamcatcher's ring, wobbling feathers allow beautiful dreams to slip into the dream world of the sleeper. It is believed that every movement of the feathers heralds the arrival and departure of a new, beautiful and peaceful dream.

The meaning

Nowadays, people practically no longer carry amulets with them, but it is possible to constantly have this symbol with them in the form of a tattoo. Of course, you don't have to be North American to have a dream catcher tattoo. It is generally believed that theLucky charmalso has the power to protect its owner from the influence of negative energies on his life. The network captures negative thoughts so you can maintain a positive attitude in any situation. In addition, it is believed that the dream catcher helps the tattoo wearer to restore his inner forces, take the first steps on the path of self-development and move in the right direction. Through this, a rich experience of spiritual development is acquired.

Placement and colors

The dream catcher tattoo looks beautiful on various parts of the body. It is recommended that the subject be closer to the head, for example behind the ear, to protect against the intrusion of negative thoughts. It is often tattooed on the back because the large area allows for creativity.

The most popular parts of the body include the ribs, hips and thighs. There is also enough space for tattooing here. Miley Cyrus, for example, has a tattoo on her ribs that is meant to represent and protect her four siblings.

Since the motif is more vertical, it also looks very good on the arm, leg, upper arm and forearm. Asmall tattoofits ideally on the wrist, ankle, foot or behind the ear.

What goes with it?

Dream catcher is primarily a women's motif because it looks playful and delicate. The motif can be easily combined with many other elements. Rosebuds, blooming roses, flowers, hearts, birds and wings emphasize femininity. Added to this are owls, which represent wisdom, and horseshoes, which are good luck charms.

Motifs for men

Men most often choose a classic motif, almost without adding any additional elements. However, paw prints or drawings of animals such as deer, bears or wolves are nice options. Eagle feathers symbolize courage and male strength.


Choosing a tattoo style is related to the meaning of the motif. Men choose monochrome tattoos and women like colorful ones. If you want a real work of art, go for the watercolor style. By the way, tattoo artists also experiment with other styles such as old school, trash polka and blackwork.

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