Everyone wants a beautiful, blooming balcony, but not everyone has the time or green thumb for it. Luckily, there are also easy-care flowers for the balcony that solve these problems. What are they, you ask?
It is usually the sunny balcony that makes the balcony plants require more care. Because the potting soil dries out more quickly, the water requirement is higher, so watering is sometimes necessary twice a day. Winds accelerate the process even further. So choose wisely!
Easy-care flowers for the balcony that don't require a lot of water
Shade plants or those for sunny locations with low water requirements are ideal for uncomplicated balcony planting. What sounds almost impossible is actually not that difficult to implement. And you don't have to miss out on colorful flowers either.
The colorful purslane frog
A flower that has been in my pots and boxes for several years is the beautiful purslane (Portulaca grandiflora). These are succulents that bloom in different colors and are simply fall in love with. The flowers die in the winter, but they produce countless seeds with which they can reproduce themselves and which you can also collect.
In my case they grow on their own every year around the main shoots of the oleander and in other containers, providing shade and protecting the root ball from drying out quickly. But they also cut a great figure in the balcony box, whether alone or in combination with other balcony flowers. The flowering period is from June to August.
Don't worry about fertilizer applications, pest infestations or frequent watering. The plant loves it low in nutrients andcopes with dryness.
Beautiful summer flowers for the balcony in the shade - the hard-working and noble ones
It can be shady with the busy Lieschen (Impatiens walleriana) but still bright. It doesn't really tolerate direct sun because it damages the leaves and flowers, while partial shade is still acceptable. I admit, I haven't had the pleasure of cultivating this beautiful flower in the window box yet, although I always want to.
But with my mother they are always beautiful to look at and I am always impressed by the long flowering phase. This starts quite early in May and lasts until September, where you have a good selection of flower colors. Waterlogging is taboo, but you should still make sure that the soil is always moist, but this shouldn't be a problem in a location that isn't too sunny. Fertilizing with liquid fertilizer twice a month is recommended, but if you skip it, it's not a big deal.
Hanging snowflake flower for the lower levels
It's always a good ideaArrange the balcony box like thisthat flowers bloom on multiple levels. For the lowest level, ground-covering, creeping and hanging specimens are ideal. This also includes the snowflake flower (Sutera cordata) – a perfect gap filler that can often be found in the garden.
Normally the flower loves the sun, but this also means more frequent watering. You can reduce this by choosing a semi-shady location instead, where you will also have to expect fewer flowers. The soil should always be moist and you can promote flower formation by picking off any dead flowers. But if that's too much effort for you, you don't have to clean the flower regularly.
Tall, easy-care flowers for the balcony – the magnificent flowers
After introducing a low-growing flower, now comes a tall flower for the middle areas in the box (or for a background if the flower box is on a wall). Also the magnificent spars (Astilbe) is a popular garden plant that also thrives in containers. She doesn't have any special requirements for the location because she feels comfortable everywhere. This is very convenient if you can't water often, becausein the shadowsthe soil dries out much more slowly.
It is enough if you fertilize the soil well with compost once in the spring. The low-consuming flower will then survive on these nutrients throughout the season. Sounds perfect, right?
Chrysanthemums for the balcony boxes
Easy care flowers for...sunny balconyget with chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum). You can plant these flowering beauties as you wish in spring or in autumn for your autumn arrangement. In any case, I recommend autumn chrysanthemums that bloom at the end of the season, as they are particularly suitable for containers and boxes.
The only thing you need to do for care is to keep the soil moist but not wet. Fertilizing is unnecessary and you can, but do not have to, remove the spent flowers. Regarding the location, you can choose between a sunny or partially shaded location.
Also interesting:Plant balcony boxes in a modern way: Create your own oasis in a small outdoor area!
What else you could plant in the balcony box
Below you will find a few lists of easy-care flowers for the balcony depending on the orientation.
Flowers for the balcony in the sun:
- Bougainvilleen (Bougainvillea)
- Brazilian guava (Acca sellowiana)
- Buntnessel (Solenostemon scutellarioides)
- Clematis; However, the trunk base must be shaded
- Verbena (Verbena hybrids)
- geraniums (Pelargonium); Water up to twice daily during the hot summer months
- Margerites (Osteospermum); Water morning and evening
- cloves (Dianthus); Feel free to pluck off dead flowers to encourage new blooms
- Rosemary (Rosemary officinalis)
- Strelitzia (Queen Strelitzia)
- Succulents
- Thymian (Thymus)
- Hussar buttons (Sanvitalia reclining)
- magic bells (Calibrachoa)
- two-tooth (Bidens ferulifolia)
Flowers for the flower box in partial shade(3 to 4 hours of sun per day):
- cyclamen (Cyclamen)
- Begonia (Begonia boliviensis)
- coleus (Coleus blumei)
- bellflower (Campanula)
- Gunderman (Gelchoma hederacea)
- Hortensie (Hydrangea)
- Evergreen (Vinca Minor)
- Bleeding Heart (Spectacular lamprocapnos)
- Waldsteinie (Waldsteinia ternata)
Which flowers for window boxes on the shade balcony?
- Begonia (Begonia boliviensis)
- coleus (Coleus blumei)
- Edellieschen (Impatiens hawkeri)
- fuchsia (Fuchsia)
- bellflower (Campanula)
- Gunderman (Gelchoma hederacea)
- Hortensie (Hydrangea)
- Evergreen (Vinca Minor)
- Waldsteinie (Waldsteinia ternata)
Also read:Decorate your balcony in spring: Enjoy the warm weather outside with these creative ideas