Why attach an aluminum foil behind radiators and with what insulation can heating costs be saved?

Allegedly, aluminum foil can be attached behind radiators and thereby improve the heat storage in your own home. Could this actually prove to be a clever trick to beat rising gas and heating energy calculations? Experts assume that they could save around 40 to 90 EUR a year from their energy costs by attaching a reflection film behind the heating in their home. This is intended to get the heat back into the room instead of escaping through the walls. Find out below which method works best so that you can optimize your heating costs in the winter season.

Does the placement of aluminum foil behind radiators make a home really warmer?

In view of the increasing energy costs, homeowners do everything to save money on their additional costs, including trying out home improvement alternatives. One of the opportunities to save money is to put aluminum foil behind radiators. In theory, the advantages can of course be a warmer, more comfortable home and less energy waste, i.e. lower bills for the household. You can either use normal aluminum film or buy special, reflective film in hardware stores as well as online in roles or arches.

You have certainly also thought that your radiator radiates 50 % of your performance in the wall on which you hang. It seems to be a real waste that your heating system works so hard to heat just the walls. The installation of aInsulation on the back wallOr an insulating plate behind the radiator can significantly reduce the heat loss due to walls and increase comfort in your home. If you want to reduce the operating costs of your lights but do not want to do without comfort, a reflector can be a quick and inexpensive solution. Is that really true?

What is the difference between a reflection film behind radiators?

This energy -saving liffehack cannot actually save you as much heating costs - perhaps about a five a month, if so. However, if your home becomes particularly cold in winter, the trick with the film can help reduce your bills a little. In addition, there are even radiator film that can be glued on with strong wallpaper paste. However, this idea works best in older buildings that have no hollow wall insulation. Experts claim that they can reduce up to 30 % heat losses that would otherwise be lost due to their outer wall. The hack is only really effective for solid outer walls without hollow wall insulation, but it is still worth a try.

Should you use ready -made panels or aluminum foil behind radiators?

Some argue that homemade insulation with conventional aluminum film is less effective over time because the material oxidizes, easily wrinkles and therefore becomes less reflective on heat radiation. As a disadvantage, this would mean that you would have to replace such an insulating material every few years because it loses efficiency. However, while they have to make a little more effort, the preliminary payments are lower.

Regardless of whether you choose the DIY variant or buy specially made reflective foil boards, it is still a great short-term hack for your home to warm up living spaces more efficient and reduce your gas or electricity bill. However, there are also many other ways to save heating costs and reduce energy bills. For the beginning, for example, you can put your furniture away from your radiators, do not hang clothes over your radiator and hang up some thermal curtains over your windows. In addition, theInsulate the window yourself, so that the warmth stays in the interior. You can also manufacture homemade drafting stoppers and snuggle up with a hot water bottle.

Why insulate the wall behind the heating?

Cast iron radiators are known for their incredible ability to produce evenly, pleasant warmth. But if an old apartment is poorly insulated, a large part of the emitted energy goes right outside. However, they don't despair. Reflection films are a simple and inexpensive way to isolate walls behind radiators and reflect on heat back into their living space. In fact, radiator reflectors (also radiation barriers, insulating foils for radiators) areolating the heat back into the room behind the devices and "shine".

According to experts, you can save up to 25 % of the heating costs for houses with good wall insulation. In the case of poorly insulated houses, radiator reflectors can save around 8 %. In fact, the best insulator behind the radiator is an aluminum sheet on the wall behind the radiator. This reflects the heat back into the room, instead of unnecessarily escaping them through the house walls. DIY enthusiasts recommend the sheet for simple assembly to wrap tailored cardboard pieces.

DIY radiator insulation can actually be very simple, whereby you do not need any special tools or previous knowledge. Here are some simple steps that you can follow

  • First measure the width and height of your radiator.
  • Then determine how far the film should protrude beyond the top and sides. For open rooms such as living room and dining room, it is advisable to cut the reflection film for the heating just below the dimensions of the radiator so that it is not visible to guests.
  • Then cut the insulating material with scissors.
  • Then apply adhesive by placing the reflective film up to the floor with the back. For example, you can also use double -sided adhesive tape, spray glue or staple clips. In addition, some even use wallpaper paste. Just make sure the glue has dried before turning on the radiators again.
  • If you are not sure whether a certain adhesive works, put it behind a single radiator and wait a few days to make sure he is sticking before attaching the rest of the reflectors.
  • Now you can easily attach the aluminum foil behind radiators in your living rooms.
  • Finally, assemble them with the wall flush. The aluminum must not come into contact with the radiator, otherwise it will not work optimally.
  • If your arm does not fit between your radiator and the wall, you can use a broom, a ruler or even a mop to attach the film.

Why shouldn't you cover the radiators with foil?

Would you like to disguise your radiators for security reasons, for aesthetic reasons or to use the space underneath? Better think again before you do this. While these reasons for the purchase of radiator covers may sound good, the truth that the installation of a cover affects the efficiency of the devices. In addition, such radiator covers can block the emitted heat. If you cover your radiators, prevent you from heating your room directly and you also restrict your efficiency by blocking the heat flow.

Read too:“Avoid heating bodies: avoid heat losses in the heating period in different ways”