Nowadays, more and more single-family homes are being planned with U-shaped building volumes. The reason – quite simple – to design the terrace as a communication center. On the one hand, the garden, the pool and the seating area are shielded from wind and prying eyes, and on the other hand, all rooms can look out onto the outdoor area. We present to you such a project for modern terrace design by the talented DADA architects - the house fascinates with a modern and at the same time homely concept.
The open plan concept involves creating a seamless connection between the living area on the ground floor and the garden. So the terrace becomes the fundamental element of the architecture - the living room - into a lounge corner, the kitchen - into a casual outdoor dining area and the bedroom - intoTerracewith sunbeds above. Ultimately, life is completely moved outside in the summer, and in the cold season the homeowners can sit comfortably inside and marvel at nature.
An important prerequisite for such a design is thoughtful planning and division of the outdoor area into different zones. For example, a small garden pond can be created right next to the sleeping area - water has a calming effect and relaxes the senses. In front of the living room there can be a small playground or a seating area. The bathroom can be well shielded from view by tall perennials.
Project byDADAArchitects