Art Therapy Ideas for Children and Adults: Painting Therapy Topics with Templates

Everyday stress, family problems, traumatic experiences: we often reach our limits when we try to put our feelings, hopes and fears into words. A relatively new method, art therapy, offers the opportunity to engage with important issues in a creative way. This is how you can build self-confidence, overcome insecurity and process inner conflicts. At the same time, concentration is promoted and imagination is awakened. Creative therapy can help both adults and children process stress and trauma. And even without the support of trained therapists, you can do itsimple exercisesto relax after a long day. We give you some art therapy ideas for young and old and explain how you can implement them!

Art therapy ideas: Who is painting therapy suitable for?

Art therapy is a relatively new method of creative design under the guidance of trained therapists. It combines several disciplines such as art theory, psychology and, when the patients are children, pedagogy. The therapy practice involves working with various areas of fine art. These include underother painting, sculptural designs and photographic art. Small children in particular find it much easier to process their feelings in a playful way. But adults can also find inner peace when they deal with a topic. Depending on the problems the patient is struggling with, art therapy can take place just with the therapist or in groups.

With mentally handicapped people, with people withprofound developmental disorders such as autismor for patients with serious illnesses such as cancer or Alzheimer's, group therapy makes perfect sense. However, if the patient wants to overcome childhood trauma, a session alone with the therapist is recommended. In all of these cases, the health insurance company covers the costs of the sessions. Many people also take part in painting therapy because they want to combat self-doubt and fears, because they have family problems or simply because they want to develop their creativity. In these cases, the patient must cover the costs of the creative therapy themselves.