Architecture trend 2022: Mid-Century Modern style is back in fashion! Be inspired by the design

The Mid-Century Modern style is an American classic that emerged after World War II and is known for its clean lines, minimal decoration, and connection to nature. Mid-century modern homes are characterized by very wide, low floors with large, open spaces, floor-to-ceiling windows, and an emphasis on outdoor space. But is the Mid-Century Modern style still relevant? Although the architectural trend peaked in America between 1945 and 1969, it has come back into fashion in recent years. Scandinavian design and Danish modernism are inspired by this and have made this design available to millions of new homes.

The Mid-Century Modern style – short history

Mid-Century Modern architecture was brought to the United States by European architects fleeing Nazi Germany and absorbed influences from the Bauhaus and American High Pirairie-style homes. The original mid-century designers include Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Marcel Breuer. Frank Lloyd Wright, the father of modern architecture, trained many mid-century modern architects.

After World War II, Americans placed a high value on lifestyle, time with family, and time in nature. The mid-century modern homes built in suburban America reflected these ideals: large windows that overlooked the homeowner's yard, open living spaces that accommodated the entire family, and technological improvements—mostly in the kitchen – meant the homeowners had to spend less time cleaning and more time with their families.

You can find inspiration for setting up a Scandinavian kitchenout here!

The attractive architectural style and its subspecies

During its original boom from 1945 to 1969, Mid-Century Modern architecture was divided into three distinct styles:

International:Inspired by international architects – as the name suggests – this version of mid-century modern architecture was heavily influenced by the Bauhaus movement. The houses were extremely simple, with little to no decoration, and were usually decorated with stucco.

Contemporary:The most popular mid-century style, contemporary homes feature clean lines, floor-to-ceiling windows, and natural, organic-looking materials like wood, stone, and brick. Many of these homes have an asymmetrical exterior, with windows that extend to the roofline and exposed ceilings and beams on the interior.

Organic:A minority of mid-century modern architects placed emphasis on fitting houses into their natural surroundings. Instead of building structures with sharp lines and right angles, they chose houses with more natural shapes. Because organic mid-century modern homes have been so heavily influenced by their natural surroundings, an organic mid-century modern home in a forest would look very different than one in the desert.

What is characteristic of the Mid Century Modern style?

Although there are three varieties of mid-century modern architecture, most mid-century modern homes share these elements:

Clear lines and geometric shapes:Straight lines and right angles are essential to mid-century modern architecture. Although many modern ranch-style homes feature gable roofs or asymmetrical exteriors, most mid-century modern homes have flat roofs with straight lines.

Floor-to-ceiling windows:Nature and lifestyle were at the forefront of the original mid-century homes. Therefore, they were built with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the courtyard, sliding glass doors and plenty of access to the outdoors.

Changes in elevation:Many mid-century modern homes have two levels and short staircases that connect rooms in the home. Partially bricked or glazed walls, fireplaces in the middle of the rooms and cupboards create depth and height differences in the interiors of the houses.

Minimal decoration:Although some mid-century styles are more ornate than others, simplicity is a key characteristic of this movement. Simple furniture with clean lines and a muted color palette complement the homes' simple exteriors.

Access to the great outdoors:Connecting with nature is an important value in mid-century modern architecture, so most mid-century homes have multiple accesses to the outdoors. In some homes, individual rooms even have multiple doors and windows that provide access to the outside area.

Ideas on how to implement the Mid-Century Modern style at home areseen here!

Remarkable examples of this contemporary construction method

The Mid-Century Modern style is known for its ubiquity, but there are also several buildings that are considered signature examples of this movement. Here are four of the most notable:

Schindler House:Architect Rudolph Schindler designed this house, completed in 1922, with a number of unique parameters. There are no dining rooms, living rooms or bedrooms – at least in the traditional sense. Schindler hoped this would be a community space. It is currently used as a public event venue.

Kaufmann House:Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House, completed in 1946, was one of many mid-century homes built in an epicenter of the movement, the Southern California city of Palm Springs. While there were many notable houses in this style in the city (including Frank Sinatra's), the Kaufmann House, with its jutting angles, massive windows, and openness to the surrounding desert landscape, exemplifies the characteristics of modernism the middle of the century.

Farnsworth-Haus: Completed in 1951, the Farnsworth House was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe for Illinois physician Edith Farnsworth. The one-story, 1,500-square-foot home features floor-to-ceiling windows.

Eichler houses: Named after real estate developer Joseph Eichler, the “Eichler Houses” were built in the 1950s and 1960s to make the mid-century modern home accessible to as many people as possible. Eichler developed more than 10,000 of these homes and was instrumental in bringing the mid-century style to the masses.