Buying windows – this is what you should pay attention to

It's hard to believe: Windows can now also be bought online. For many people it is already normal to order shoes or clothing online. But the fact that this also works with windows may be new to some people.

You don't buy new windows every few years; they are a purchase for life. That's why you should inform yourself in detail beforehand about the prices and options for modern window construction. Because not all windows are the same. It's not just the price that decides, but also how, where and with what materials a window was produced. Surely the first thought is how much my windows will cost me. Ultimately, you should think long term. For example, how energy efficient are these and how much will I save in the long term with thermally insulating variants.

Before you decide to buy a new one, you should think about what features it should have. If you live in the flight path of an airport or on a busy street, it makes sense to equip the windows with soundproof glass. The correct sound insulation class must be selected. However, many people forget that the installation should also be carried out with sound-absorbing foam. The roller shutter boxes can also be provided with a sound-absorbing mat.

Fly screens are not just a nice accessory, but a necessary luxury that you no longer want to be without. Anyone who likes to ventilate or sleep with the window open knows how annoying gnats and other creatures can be, and not just at night. Modern fly screens can be retrofitted to the window or integrated directly into the top roller shutter.
Buy windows with the right energy efficiency
Saving energy makes sense. Especially when you consider that most of the energy is lost through the window surface. That's why it's no coincidence that more and more people are choosing passive house windows. Not only can you save a lot on energy costs, but passive house windows in particular create a pleasant feeling of living. These special windows radiate almost no cold and thus ensure a comfortable living environment. The formation of so-called cold air lakes does not occur. It is even said that passive house windows must meet the comfort criterion. This is recorded, among other things, in DIN EN ISO 7730 and defines 6 measurable factors.

These include:
– Clothing
– Physical activity
– Humidity
– Air speed
– Room air temperature
– Surface temperature of the room enclosing surfaces.
The special thing about passive house windows is that the Uw value must be 0.8 W/m² K or better. This can usually only be achieved with triple glazing and a third center seal.
The frame width also plays a big role.

After you have decided on a window profile and know which components should be installed in my window, you naturally want to know how much such a window costs.
Before the Internet existed, people usually went from fair to fair or visited the local farmers. Price determination by the manufacturers was often lengthy and complex. Some people have probably heard it like this before.
With a window configurator you can not only buy windows, but also select or deselect the various components and thus compare prices with regard to the structure. is an internet platform that provides information,Pricing and purchasing windowsconnects with each other. On the one hand, you will find a lot of information about windows here. It explains what a glass spacer is, for example, and what the U-value is all about. On the other hand, the window configurator helps with pricing. In addition to colors, profile, structure and additional options, you also enter the dimensions yourself. A program calculates the price for the windows in just a few clicks. If you want to know how much a soundproof window costs, select this option in the configurator and the price will be shown immediately. This way you can quickly and easily find out how much a passive house window or balcony window costs. The windows can also be purchased directly using the shopping cart function.

When purchasing via the Internet, the same applies to other products that you can buy via an online shop. In any case, you should pay attention to the payment method. If the purchase is made in advance, then you should pay attention to whether the shop has buyer protection through, for example, Trusted Shops. If the purchase can also be carried out on account, then you are definitely on the safe side as you will receive the goods first and only then have to pay. You can also see whether the shop is trustworthy based on the available reviews.
And one last tip: call the window dealer and see for yourself. If all questions are answered competently and friendly, and you have a good feeling about it, then you can confidently buy the windows from this dealer.