Minimalist living with a Mediterranean flair – house in Portugal

Living minimalistically and at the same time not foregoing the cozy atmosphere of the Mediterranean living style probably sounds unthinkable. The Opera architects managed to bring the two under one roof. A single-family home in the countryside in Castelo de Vide, Portugal stands out as a successful example of the fusion of the two styles.

The flat roof house follows the slope of the property and extends over three living levels, one360 degree viewsoffer. The fantastic, elongated pool, which is not lowered into the ground as usual, but is located on a higher level with an exclusive terrace, appears to be a real highlight.

Privacy and sun protection are provided by lamella-like panels made of thermal wood, which also serve as a design element. The clear, minimalist line is continued inside. The interior is simple and white, except for a few wooden accents in the living area.

The modern interior is divided into two by the exclusive staircase and it also serves as a connecting element between the living levels.

*a project byOpera, Portugal