Living in the country or in the city – everyone is a city or country person

City dwellers also know the excitement of the fresh air and the chirping of birds in the morning when they go on an inokay country vacation. But you can quickly become bored with the simplicity of provincial life. But there is a bit of a city and country person in everyone. Depending on the situation in life, one side or the other dominates. Whether living in the country or in the city, the decision is not a lifelong one, because nothing lasts forever, not even real estate.

In most cases, land and real estate prices are the deciding factor when deciding between living in the country or living in the city. Despite the attractive property prices and rents in rural areas compared to those in metropolitan areas, rural life can be much more expensive than expected. You should take a comprehensive look at all the costs involved, because many of the financial advantages that country life offers could be used up elsewhere. There are also additional mobility costs in the city, as the distance between home and work is significantly shorter. An additional car often becomes a necessity as public transport in the countryside operates with restrictions. Based on data collecteda comparison between Munich city and rural Ebersbergmade. According to the researchers, the result can be transferred to the whole of Germany. It turns out that a family of three with 95 square meters of property can save more than 900 euros a month if they live in the country. Then there are the mobility costs - up to 650 euros per month, which can be partially covered by the state through the commuter allowance. Ultimately, there is a difference of a few hundred euros in the state's advantage over the city. After all, it's a question of personal well-being whether you spend an hour commuting to work every morning or have to pay for the luxury of having that time at your own disposal.

Although it is usually difficult for every city dweller to do without the existing infrastructure, cultural offerings and leisure activities, compromises are made because of work, love or family. It is often amazing how much a small community can offer; even the infrastructure is better than most people expect. After all, a large part of the city population does not take advantage of the city's offerings; conversely, a quarter of rural people regularly go to the city to enjoy cultural life. You enter into the idea of ​​buying a house with the thought that it will provide for your children and your children's children. But in the globalized world, this model rarely corresponds to reality. Furthermore, no one can say for sure whether the property in the country will still be worth it after 25 years, when the question of retirement provision also comes into play. The purchase of residential property is often made with the future in mind and the investment is worthwhile where it is beautiful (landscape), where it is easy to get around (infrastructure), where you can find work and have something to offer (quality of life), one foundStudy by the consulting company Empirica. You can expect a high quality of life from a property even after years if it meets the latest housing construction requirements.

Terms such as barrier-free houses are becoming more and more important because they influence the investment to be successful. Barrier-free is a design that tries to accommodate people of all ages and is not only aimed at the needs of seniors or the disabled. Although the requirements of different age groups sometimes contradict each other, thanks to careful planning, individual ideas and needs can largely be met. Accessibility is particularly easy to achieve in a prefabricated bungalow, for example. Basically, the house is built on one level, there are no stairs and the living space is on one level. The increased space requirement can have a disadvantage, meaning that the excellent project can be realized more easily in the countryside. Although houses of this type are assembled from prefabricated parts, the type and scope can be freely chosen within a wide range. For example, a corresponds toPrefabricated house in Austriathe Alpine architectural style and brings a traditional look and environmental friendliness under one roof thanks to the prefabricated construction.

Prefabricated houses focus on the near future. Prefabricated construction can be more advantageous because of the possibility of longer use - due to accessibility and age-friendliness. The spacious rooms promise more comfort. Last but not least is the financial aspect - fewer conversion costs and increased resale value due to increasing demand.

After her studies, sociologist Gabriele Sturm from BBSR observed that people often have the subjective impression that they would live better in the countryside. This imagination is based on the fact that you often strive for something you've never had before and then want to try it out. 'Where do we want to live?' Everyone should ask themselves and always proceed by weighing up their emotions and hopefully with a lot of rationality, as there is a bit of country and city in each of us anyway.