Sitting area in front of the fireplace – 43 homely furnishing ideas

In the cold season, the happy owners of a fireplace have an important advantage - they can create a cozy seating area in front of the fireplace and enjoy the cozy warmth with a glass of coffee or tea. Whether you're relaxing after a long day at work, playing a game of chess with your siblings or simply lounging around on a rainy day - the seating area in front of the fireplace is simply functional and inviting. We'll show you 37 ideas and design examples in various styles - turning the living room into a place of retreat.

A cozy, functional and at the same time modern living room can be set up without much effort. In any case, before you choose the furniture, you must ask your local fire department/chimney sweep what floor covering you should choose directly in front of the fireplace and what is the minimum distance between the fireplace and the furniture. You should also think about radio protection. Only then is the seating area designed - if the living area is spacious, then you can arrange a corner sofa, coffee table and armchair. In small rooms, however, furnishings with comfortable armchairs and a coffee table make more sense - this way you remain flexible in the event that guests come.

When setting up a cozy reading corner, you should definitely provide the necessary storage space - for books, magazines, but also for stylish decorations - with vases, statues, etc. you can create a modern and at the same timehomely atmosphere. Be inspired by the examples in the photo gallery below and choose your favorite design!