Aligning a sofa in front of a window with your back is often the logical decision and, above all, the right choice. The walls in the room are more suitable for a flat screen TV, or a television wall or entertainment center. If you prefer it really comfortably, you can also install a fireplace there and thus delimit another area of the room. However, a sofa in front of a window offers you the opportunity to enjoy the view during the day and have an ideal interior view at night while you relax or talk.
What you should consider when designing the living room
A large couch in a small room or a sofa in the middle of the room is usually in front of a central point, because both are onecomfortable seatAs well as the usual first choice when sitting. If there is nothing on the wall opposite the window or behind the couch, a television or a large painting is of course also part of it. When sitting on the sofa you will want to see something without having to turn your head several times. Other seating in the room should also offer a wide view of the central wall.
The correct distance from the window
If you position a sofa in front of a window, you also have to think of the necessary privacy during the night. Such a piece of furniture that is at least 30 centimeters from the television also offers space forCurtains or curtains, so that they can be properly closed. You can also use this room for dusting and cleaning. So make sure that the curtains or blinds are dark enough to ensure the nightly privacy screen. Curtains should be sufficiently lined for reasons of privacy as well as light keyness and insulation.
For this reason, you can combine the sofa in a large or long living room in front of the window with a sofatic one. This enables a practical and movable facility that you can easily redesign. A set of table lamps at both ends of the coffee table also ensures additional reading light, while the view on the window remains free.
Combination with carpet and plants
A carpet in the middle of the room or partly under the sofa can direct the view of this room area. This also enables the window area to serve as a secondary focus and bring the beauty of the outside view inwards. The room also looks more comfortable because a carpet gives the right warmth. The right plants also contribute to the desired ambience.
Groups of furniture
Logically, a sofa in front of a window is not the only piece of furniture with which you can set up a living space. Other upholstered furniture or furnishings can create a generally pleasant atmosphere in the room. For example, arrange the chairs to the sofa inwards to be able to talk or bring them close to the couch for a social conversation.
Add additional seats on the walls when the room is exceptionally large, for example. A coffee table in front of the couch determines this area as an anchor for the room, which works well, because they would probably be more on it than in a chair. Also try to keep the middle of the room open to the carpet. This ensures an unimpeded and naturally fluent freedom of movement, while at the same time creating a feeling of energy in the room.
So if you place your couch in front of a window, you can lighten the entire living room and provide energy. A look at the manual work of nature in front of its window replaces art. The natural daylight will shed light on your sofa in front of the window and the surrounding furniture, creating a stronger focus. This cannot offer a couch or the window alone. So if you place upholstered furniture under the window, an additional wall for other furniture or your television becomes free.
Practical considerations
What factors should you take into account if you decide to position your couch in front of a window? The window becomes the center of your sofa, so that the view outside should meet the job. All natural elements, such as trees, forests, flowers, mountains or water, stand as natural works of art for interior design. However, if your window is directed to a parking lot or the wall of another building, you may be able to think again before you put a couch there.
How high is your sofa? It shouldn't block the window too much. As a rule, such a piece of furniture in standard size should not be more than 32 cm high. So if your window is soil long, the blocking should not be a problem. The padding of your couch is also an important aspect, especially if your window is exposed to direct sunlight. Synthetic and artificial fabrics are generally more constant than natural substances.
If your couch is made of natural fabric, you should also take into account the lightfastness of the material. Silk and natural leather fade light, while cotton and linen are more light -resistant, but easy to pollute. On the other hand, wool, especially when it is mixed with synthetic fibers, offers good resistance to both light and against pollution.
Is your window covered?
For example, if children in their neighborhood tend to play a lot near their window, they will probably not want to take off their couch there for security reasons. Pets also attract what is happening outside the window, especially when it comes to other animals or birds. If you do not want your sofa to be covered with fur or paw prints in front of the window, you may be able to think about whether you want to implement such positioning.
Where can you yoursPlace TV? If you set up your television directly from the couch, the daylight will bounce off the window from the screen and cause glare and reflections. If your television screen is not equipped with glare protection, it is best to place it on another wall that is not aimed at the couch.
Also ensure that your windows are sufficiently insulated so that you and your guests can sit comfortably on the couch in winter. Curtains and certain types of darkening rolleros can offer additional insulation. Also make sure that your couch is not over the ventilation openings.
Accessories for your sofa in front of the window
As already mentioned above, the view from your window provides natural art for your living room. Therefore, the color and style should not only fit well with the rest of the room, but also fit in well at a glance. If you have many trees outside of your window, rough structured pillows or overlays in forest green and brown give your couch a woody and rustic look.
In front of your window, growing spring flowers can be combined with a few colorful pillows. If you have a look at a lake, the mountains or the sea, decorate your couch with blue or turquoise pillows that collect the blue shades outside. You can set up a softs behind your couch and decorate them with a few objects such as vases, frames or plants. Too many elements can affect the view outside the window.