Why Dracaena sanderiana is called lucky bamboo and what symbolism does this plant carry? There are some reasons for this popular nickname of the Dracaena? First, this plant can thrive in the most adverse conditions where other plants would not survive. The same goes for happiness, it's a question of inner feelings and sometimes you don't need much to be happy. The second reason for the interesting nickname is connected to the old Feng Shui teachings. The Dracaena sanderiana is getting loudFeng-ShuiRecommended to free our house or office from the influence of negative energy (Qi). In this regard, the dracaena is incredible. She inspires calm and balance in your home, teaching us wisdom about how flexible and resilient we can be to the effects of the outside world so that our minds remain free and exist freely. The third reason for the name lucky bamboo comes because this plant grows very quickly. With one or a few Lucky Bamboos you can create amazing compositions at home that will bring a lot of pleasure to the eye and also bring a lot of elegance to your interior. Find out everything about itLucky bamboo care, symbolism and possible problems cultivation of Dracaena sanderiana.
The symbolism of the lucky bamboo
The lucky bamboo is an extraordinarily beautiful oneGift ideafor our loved ones, business partners or for people for whom we find it difficult to decide what exactly to buy. The plant is considered mankind's oldest good luck charm and is used worldwideSymbol of happiness, health, success and wealth given away. In China and Thailand, Lucky Bamboo is often given as a gift on the occasion of the New Year or other important holidays. The reason for this lies again in the old Feng Shui teaching, according to which one should be surrounded by natural elements. The lucky bamboo can offer us interaction with the five basic elements of this teaching - earth, water, wood, fire and metal and this has a healing effect on our environment by limiting the effects of negative energy. The interpretation of the five basic elements, combined in the system, according to Feng Shui is as follows:
– Soil – these are decorative stones in the vase or soil in the pot;
– Water – this is the water through which the plant lives or water in which it is immersed;
– Tree – this is the lucky bamboo itself, the stem of the plant;
– Fire – a red ribbon that decorates the vase or individual stems;
– Metal – Decorative figure attached to the vase or pot itself.
Lucky bamboo care, symbolism and problems
Again according to the Eastern Feng Shui rules, it is important to know how large the number of bamboo poles is, this determines our happiness.
– 2 sticks bring happiness in love
– 3 sticks bring luck in life
– 5 bars bring health
– 8 rods symbolize wealth
– 9 rods bring success
– 21 poles are loaded with a special blessing over the house.
You can't even give away a lucky bamboo with 4 poles, again according to the Eastern Feng Shui rules, because the word "four" sounds like the word death in Chinese.
Therefore, if you want to give a Draceana sanderiana as a gift, you definitely need to pay attention to what message is conveyed through your gift. But as I said, the lucky bamboo is considered a good gift choice because this plant also symbolically conveys your good wishes for prosperity and success.
Form des Lucky Bamboos
In the flower shops, the lucky bamboo can be found in different versions, slender bamboo, twisted at the top, or bent into a heart shape, some bamboo stems in groups form different shapes, for example small pyramids and other compositions. The form of the attachment is not relevant to the message you want to convey. It's a matter of personal taste and an expression of your desire for something unusual and impressive. On the one hand, the plant is easy to model, but on the other hand, it is easily susceptible to external influences, so you have to be really careful.
The necessary oneLucky bambooCare
The lucky bamboo does not require much care. The plant requires a beautiful vase, with decorative stones arranged at the bottom, and water of course. If your dracaena thrives in a pot, good soil is required. In both cases, the plant does not like direct sunlight (the lucky bamboo can also thrive in artificial light). Water only after the top layer of soil has dried out. The Dracaena sanderiana must not be exposed to drafts. The optimal temperature range is 18°C to 25°C.
If your dracaena has grown excessively, you can replant it in a larger pot or prune it to reduce the amount of leaves.
Possible problems when cultivating Dracaena sanderiana
Yellowing of leaves.One of the reasons for the yellow leaves may be direct sunlight, that is, the plant is not placed in the right place. The presence of a large amount of chlorine in the water can also cause this. In this case, it would be advisable to water the plants with rain or bottled water and move them to another location away from the window.
The leaves turn brown. The reason for this may be dry air in the house or not enough humidity in the room. Remember that the dracaena's natural environment is the tropical forest. Therefore, in this case, it is better to sprinkle the leaves of the dracaena with water, they will definitely refresh.
in combination with a white lily
Yellowing of the stem of the plant from the root upwards –this means the plant has too much fertilizer in the water. In this case, you should not fertilize the plant for several months.
Darkening of roots.The healthy Dracaena sanderiana plant has red or orange roots. If the roots become darker, brown or black for example, it means the plant is decaying and the only way to save it is to cut the diseased part two centimeters deeper.
Algae in the vase with the lucky bamboo.If the vase with the lucky bamboo is placed near direct sunlight, it is possible that green algae will develop in the water. You can solve this problem by thoroughly cleaning the vase every 1-2 weeks.
Caution: Lucky Bamboo can be dangerous to pets and small children, its leaves are slightly poisonous. If you want to be quiet, place the plant in a place that is difficult for children and pets to reach.
Well, do you also have a lucky bamboo at home? Personally, I've had a Lucky Bamboo for years, but now I want to buy a small bamboo pyramid. I think the idea is really great! And you?
Bridal bouquet with Lucky Bamboo
black decorative stones in the vase
5 stalks in the pot
Square glass vase
5 rods symbol of health
Lucky bamboo pyramid
red ribbon symbolizes fire