Set up your living room – live ecologically and healthily

Eco-friendly living room furnishings are very trendy. It goes hand in hand with healthy living. Ecologically produced furniture, paints and carpets without pollutants are just as important as a healthy indoor climate. But that's not all. The type of heating should also be taken into account when furnishing a living room ecologically.

Furnishing your living room – the basic principles of ecological interiors

The term ecology is made up of the Greek words for household and teaching. Originally understood as a part of biology, ecology is concerned with the relationship between living beings and their environment. And that's exactly what natural, ecological furnishings in a living room are all about. It stands for people's environmental and health awareness, which, strictly speaking, is not new, but is being rediscovered and lived in modern times.

Set up your living room – ecological natural wood furniture

A special atmosphere for an ecological oneLiving room furnishingscreate natural wood furniture. Not only are they manufactured without the use of harmful substances, but they also combine the idea of ​​a sustainable approach to nature. In addition, they are particularly robust, durable and radiate unique warmth. They are therefore an ideal addition to a natural living room interior.

Quality seals make it easier to choose ecological furniture and home accessories

Healthy living is the top priority when it comes to ecological living room furnishings. It should meet the following basic requirements:
– No pollutant emissions
– Harmless to health
– Information on the origin of the materials and production
– Furniture made from renewable raw materials should always be shortlisted for ecological living room furnishings. Quality seals can make the decision easier.
The Blue Angel
TheBlue angelsidentifies products that stand out due to their special properties. This includes the absence of harmful substances, especially when coating furniture and their production from predominantly renewable raw materials.

The FSC symbol
The FSC symbol stands for Forest Stewardship Council and only identifies wood and wood products from sustainable forestry. To do this, manufacturers must adhere to a total of 10 principles. The most important include the rights of indigenous peoples, measures to preserve virgin forests and environmental rights.

Goodweave is a global initiative committed to eliminating child labor in the carpet industry. Carpets marked with the GoodWeave seal were not made by children but by adults. In addition, the seal also requires compliance with ecological criteria in the production of carpets.

Furniture with the ÖkoControl certificate is manufactured in an environmentally and health-friendly manner. The label requires compliance with high minimum standards. To obtain the label, manufacturers must prove that the material is free of harmful substances and provide a clear origin of the materials and production. In addition, the products manufactured must be recyclable.

Furnish your living room and heat it ecologically

In addition to natural living room furnishings, more and more people are also turning to sustainable heating systems. Heating plays a special role in the conscious use of natural resources. In addition to heating with wood as a sustainable raw material, there are also types of heating that work with biogas. Alternatively, heat pumps that use geothermal energy are also used.
Heating with wood
Heating with wood is one of the most natural types of heating because wood is a climate-neutral fuel. When burned, it only releases as much CO2 as it absorbed during its growth.

In addition to simply lighting a fireplace with logs, there are now very efficient fireplace stoves available from various providers such asKamdi24.decan be obtained. There are also pellet stoves that are integrated into an existing heating system in order to then supply radiators and underfloor heating with heat.

Heating with biogas
Biogas is produced by fermenting biomass. It is used to fire heating systems such as gas heating. Modern gas heaters with condensing boilers are among the most efficient types of heating on the market and are comparatively inexpensive to purchase.

Heating with geothermal energy
Another ecological type of heating is the use of geothermal energy. An electric heat pump works here, using the thermal energy stored in the ground. If the electricity comes from your own solar system, this proves to be the caseHeating systemas particularly sustainable.

Set up your living room – also think about the healthy room climate

Relative humidity and room climate are essential conditions for a comfortable living environment. This is especially true for the living room, a room where people spend the most time besides the bedroom. Ideally, the relative humidity should be between 40 and 60 percent and the room temperature should be between 19 and 22 degrees. But in addition to temperature and humidity, pollutant levels also play a role.
Anyone who pays attention to ecological building guidelines before furnishing the living room guarantees pollutant-free indoor air. This is because during the use phase of the rooms, evaporation occurs from the building materials used. This includes building materials such as bricks as well as wall paints and wallpapers used. Low-emission varnishes and paints bear the Natureplus seal. These do not contain any solvents with plasticizers that are harmful to health.
The use of organic colors
There are also a variety of organic colors, such as the exclusively ecologically produced Swedish red. This paint is made only from natural color mud, red pigments, flour, water and linseed oil. Organic paints are ecologically harmless and only contain natural raw materials. They are neither harmful nor toxic and are therefore particularly suitable for ecological living room furnishings.

Ideas for an ecological living room interior

Sustainable, environmentally conscious and free of harmful substances – what is currently developing as a trend is still a niche topic for some furniture stores. So you still need a little flexibility and creativity to live in a truly ecological way. Choosing wooden furniture without harmful finishes and marked with environmental labels is a top priority.
But the space itself must also be viewed as an overall ecological system. If only the furniture and furnishings are sustainable, it is of little use if environmentally harmful insulation materials are still installed in the walls or an oil heater is doing its job in the basement. At theecological livingIt's about the big picture: resource-saving products, reusable raw materials and the avoidance of pollutants.
Materials such as Euro pallets and boxes can be reused in this way. They can be sawn and assembled to create the most creative home decor ideas. As an accessory for an ecological living room furnishing, they fit harmoniously and have an aesthetic appeal. If you want to live stylishly and close to home, you no longer need to make compromises. Rather, it is the appropriate selection of furnishings and new living ideas. Nothing stands in the way of furnishing your own ecological living room.

Furnish your living room – ecologically and comfortably