Like after a walk: Winter Blush is the natural, fresh make-up trend for rosy cheeks

    There is something magical about winter walks, especially those through ice and snow. Wrapped up warm, we go outside into the cold, clear air, which is sometimes almost cuttingly icyfeels refreshing, albeit refreshing and strangely pleasant. The cold season then paints its delicate signs on us, in the form of rosy cheeks, that slight redness of the apple cheeks that basically suits everyone. With the popular oneWinter Blushwe can now bring this freshness to ourselvesMake-up: During the fashion shows for autumn/winter 2024/25Beauty-Trendcan be discovered on some catwalks and is fortunately very easy to implement.

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    Duran Lantink Fall/Winter 2024/25

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    Moschino Fall/Winter 2024/25

    Winter Blush: This is how the beauty trend was seen on the catwalks for autumn/winter 2024/25

    To all the cozy outfits with knitted sweaters,andThe appropriate make-up also appeared on the runways for autumn/winter 2024/25: some models almost looked as if they had rushed straight onto the catwalk from a long walk in the snow, their cheeks shone so freshly and rosily. For example, Dutch fashion designer Duran Lantink, whose creativity was recently recognized with the Karl Lagerfeld Prize by LVMH, showed off his strengthand warming balaclavas, including theBeauty-Trendcame as requested. The gentle effect also worked at labels like Moschino and Isabel MarantWinter Blushas a perfect complement to the warm wool sweaters and gave the models an authentic, wintery look.

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    Isabel Marant Fall/Winter 2024/25

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    Casablanca Herbst/Winter 2024/25

    Beauty trend winter blush: the look is so easy to achieve

    It can be reappliedMake-up-Trendvery easy: becomes the finish of the complexionapplied in light pink tones to the middle of the cheeks, so that the apple cheeks are playfully emphasized. On hardAnd bronzer can be avoided here, after all it's not about narrowing the shape of your face. The aim is to achieve a complexion that is as natural as possible, with the focus being on the cheeks, which are almost red in the middle. If you want to go one step further, add a small amount of blush to the bridge or tip of your nose. Just don't overdo it - after all, it should be winter Blush doesn't look like chilblains, but rather looks as subtle and stylish as possible.

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    Chloé Fall/Winter 2024/25

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    Chanel Fall/Winter 2024/25

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    Leonard Paris Herbst/Winter 2024/25

    But what does the rest of the make-up look like for the winter beauty trend? Eyes and lips were usually made up on the catwalks with restraint; most fashion houses, such as Casablanca, even refrained from doing soto keep your winter complexion as fresh and natural as possible. This makes the rosy blush the perfect complement, which was more popular in 2024 than it has been for a long time. If you want a little more color, go for soft onesthe perfect accompaniment for Winter Blush, as discovered by Leonard Paris - whether for a walk in the park or for a date at your favorite café.

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    Chiara Boni Fall/Winter 2024/25

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