It has been gray and frosty outside. Inside Stephanie Thathorst receives in a good mood and makes us coffee. For almost a year, the 47-year-old has lived and worked in the 260 square meter show flat. Interested customers can come by appointment to experience the Thatenhorst living feeling themselves and be inspired. And that's fun! Artistic carpets hang on patterned wallpapers, furniture rarities never seen next to it ... everything looks warm and harmonious.
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Interview with interior designer Stephanie Thathorst Your apartment shows the high art of eclecticism - but is pleasantly calm.
Stephanie Thatenhorst:Eklecticism does not have to be overloaded and overwhelming. My goal is to create a harmonizing, soothing whole from the various styles, coloring, materials, patterns and surfaces.
How do you succeed?
S.T.:I play with contrasts, place minimalist lights in addition to atmospheric lounge chairs, hanging pictures over doors, pranks blankets with, wallpapering rental baths. I dare! Without drawers. Out of the box. That's why this show flat is my dream. I can redesign everything at any time.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
S.T.:I walk through the world with awake eyes. Travel, nature ... Fashion also inspires me a lot, especially when it comes to color combinations.
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What is the secret of your style?
S.T.:My intuition. I know that is an unsatisfactory answer. But my decisions come out of the gut. I feel if something fits together. Unfortunately, this can only be learned to a limited extent.
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Do you still have tips for us?
S.T.:Be brave! Just try it out! Trial and error. A thread also helps. That can be a color concept. Or materials that appear again and again. In the show flat rate, pastel tones dominate that run harmoniously through the room.
Whether restaurant, hotel, doctor's office, farm, townhouse, your rooms radiate warmth.
S.T.:I call this as a soul. In every project, we have to be able to transport soul into the room. The architecture must be included. Light is essential. And textiles. The more fabrics in the room, the more cozy it looks at the end. Dare to tapes and lamps, carpets and curtains in the bathroom. High flore carpets, suede, fur, velvet. With diversity you create atmosphere.
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Many overwhelm the subject of textiles ...
S.T.:I understand that. In France or Great Britain, it is therefore common to get help from interior furniture. I would also like to encourage this. I'm not too good to redesign just one room. You can also come to our showroom for inspiration or fabric advice.
There they also sell individual furniture.
S.T.:I am a truffle pig. And love to track down labels and manufacturers that even the most informed customer does not yet know. Surprising is what makes my work.
What do you often have to convince customers?
S.T.:Some things can just look good. The cool armchair delights me every day. Comfortable? No matter, that's what I have a cozy sofa. Not everything has to be functional. This is so German (laughs). The feeling is much more important. I would like to trigger this feel -good moment.
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