European cotton: A big step towards more conscious and sustainable fashion consumption

The fashion industry is changing towards more sustainability. A particularly promising approach is European cotton production, which is often underestimated. What many people don't know: Cotton is not only grown in the USA, Africa and Asia, but also in Greece and Spain. These two countries are responsible for 80 percent and 20 percent of European cotton production, respectively. Around 20 percent of the cotton produced in Europe is used by the European textile industry - particularly by large fashion houses and manufacturers of technical textiles. This already covers a large part of the demand. However, the majority is exported all over the world, usually without any indication of its original origin. As a result, the advantages of European cotton - especially its quality and sustainability - are often lost.

Beyond the quality of the fibers and environmentally friendly production and processing methods, European cotton also has an important socially sustainable impact, as the cotton producing and processing industries provide high-quality jobs to thousands of families across Europe.

The vision of a green future brings the initiativeEuCottoncloser, because it presents a new concept for the European textile and fashion world, a new way to create products that are 100 percent made in Europe and aimed at sustainability-conscious consumers.

In addition, the entire production chain is taken into account: from the farmers and ginning companies to the weavers and manufacturers. The proximity in the supply chain between production, processing, weaving, dyeing and all steps up to the finished garment means that the raw material and textiles do not have to travel all over the world to reach the end consumer, which requires enormous quantities emissions caused.

Brands and customers around the world are showing a growing commitment to the health of our planet and choosing greener processes and practices whenever possible. EuCotton wants to show how European cotton can lead fashion towards a sustainable future.

European cotton has a crucial impact on the global fashion industry because:

  • DieGMO-free cottonis produced in an environmentally friendly manner under strict EU regulations - from harvest to processing.
  • Mechanization of the processes allows the finest cotton yarns to be produced. The high-quality EuCotton cotton is therefore a favorite of many luxury fashion houses and makes clothing more durable.
  • The cotton is produced in Europe, which means there is no need for long transport routes, which in turn helps to drastically reduce the carbon footprint.
  • According to the “Farm to Fashion” principle, EuCotton makes every step of cotton production traceable and thus creates more transparency for consumers.
  • From the producer to the finished fashion pieces, EuCotton guarantees a traceable and transparent supply chain to encourage consumers to consciously choose sustainable fashion.

Fashion is often associated with style and compliments, but we rarely think about the environmental impact of everyday clothing. This makes it all the more important to practice more sustainability in your wardrobe and not blindly follow the fast fashion trend. In winter 2024 and beyond, people should shop more consciously and less, with a focus on quality and transparency in the origin of materials. This is how everyone can contribute to positive change in the fashion industry. The EuCotton campaign aims to raise awareness of European cotton and enable consumers to choose sustainable fashion with a clear conscience.

* Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for this.