Curtain on: In one of these tops you could now sip a cocktail - 3 current trends

I would have a suggestion for an evening design in the near future: ask a friend or friend to the cocktail. If the meeting takes place during the week, the cocktail could become an aperitif (implemented Italian as befits, it begins around 6 p.m. and is welcome to end at 8:30 p.m.). One or more fine drinks, well-kept exchange about this and that and pleasantly cheerful bar sounds in the background-what can there be more invigorated?! Well, I remember something that does not exclude a visit to the bar: the current oneTop-Trends.

Read correctly,are back and possibly more stylish than ever. You have absolutely nothing of what you (and me ...) did in your youth during a disco visit. Instead, tops now look stylish, grown up and at the same time exciting. You can see what this can look like in the following:

These 3 top trends for spring 2025 are already in a mood

WHAT WORK THE TO THE TRENDS FOR THE(and summer) in 2025 executes if you can already wear some of them now? Only a little textile should be layered so that you do not freeze in the airy top on the way to the bar.

1) stage-free tops

Are you wondering what is to be understood by a stage-free top? This is quickly dissolved: it is a top that exposes parts of the upper body. For example, like with Nanushka or Giorgio Armani, this canbe. However, it is also possible to focus on another part of the body (in this case the belly button). By the way, the Vivetta top also addresses me because of its cut-it reminds of a curtain. If this is not refreshing (and brings fashionable joy), I don't know either.

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Giorgio Armani spring/summer 2025

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Nanushka spring/summer 2025

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Vivetta spring/summer 2025

2) Tops with lace

Before you think, "Groundbreaking, top tops"-read on, because: The current tops with lace are absolutely not romantic orgirly,but pretty cool and confident. Patou showed, for example, how this can look. The top has the cut of a shirt, due to lace all over and a lotIt is still a top for me. If the runway look is too direct, wear a simple bralette under the top. A highlight is also the silk top with lace at Dries van notes. Together with the extravagant necklace and the skirt, the pattern of which is reminiscent of a elegant damask wallpaper, a modern statement look is created.

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Dries van grades spring/summer 2025

3) Corsettops

The current corset tops seem to be quite Victorian. You can only speculate about the reasons. Although basically it doesn't matter, because: these tops look so impressive that everything else seems irrelevant. At Gaurav Gupta and Ashi Haute Couture thefrom the rest of the corset, which exacerbates its effect. Customs, but rather cool, interpret Shao and Jane Wade the corset.

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Gaurav Gupta Haute Couture spring/summer 2025

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Ashi Haute Couture spring/summer 2025

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Shao spring/summer 2025

Foto: Launchmetrics SpotlightSM

Jane Wade spring/summer 2025

Current Trend-Tops shop:

This is important when style the current trend tops

If you take a look at the current catwalk looks, you notice that when combining tops, a balance between wide and tight-fitting cuts is important within an outfit. The choice of accessories is also exciting: you focus on central statement sites. As a result, the looks look very clear and pointed, and even a more playful top.

By the way: In the event that you want to cover your upper arms for whatever reason, you could have one over the topStylen. Or, for example, like a Shao one(or a blouse dress).