With this we can stop time briefly: the 4 most beautiful watches for autumn 2024

When the year slowly comes to an end, you would like to stop time for a moment. Once again, the last few months have flown by - it only feels like the blink of an eye until 2024 turns over to a new round around the sun. Unfortunately, we cannot stop this natural progression, but we can keep an eye on it. And of course preferably with the most beautiful timepieces of the new season! So you might still enjoy the passing of time. And becomes aware once again of how fleeting every second is. So you should use every single one!

These are the 4 most important watch trends for fall 2024

1. Colorful clocks

Watches can do so much more than tell you the time. They can consciously become part of the look in autumn 2024 - or stand on their own as a statement. Something like the MP-15 from Hublot. It attracts everyone's attention with its floral frame and 444 colored gemstones and maintains the beauty of the flower even when it has already said goodbye according to the seasons. The special watch was created in collaboration with the artist Takashi Murakami. The motto “I can buy myself flowers” ​​will take on a completely new and surprisingly luxurious meaning at the end of 2024.

2. Bicolor watches

You don't have to keep reinventing the wheel - and you don't necessarily have to reinvent the watch either. It's not for nothing that classics persist with such quiet elegance that trends sometimes can't even be matched. This year's entitlement of timelessChopard proves this with the Alpine Eagle in bicolor. It not only suits all occasions, but also different styles and looks. A watch you don't have to worry about. And an investment for eternity. Maybe it's the first wish you make a note of for Christmas...

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3. Watches with leather straps

Autumn is as much about nostalgia as it is a look into the past. Now we pause, reflect, and take a break from everyday life. We don't just do this in terms of the pace of life, but also in terms of style. That's exactly why people like to choose vintage-inspired pieces that radiate timelessness and convey stability: for example the Escale wristwatch from Louis Vuitton. The leather strap makes it look like an heirloom (which, by the way, it can still become!), but the automatic movement definitely fits today. A beautiful interplay of past and present!

4. Mini clocks

The mini watches from Cartier will be small but beautiful in autumn 2024. From a distance you could almost mistake it for a bracelet, but it's worth a closer look! Then you see the classic Cartier dial – sometimes dynamically curved, sometimes covered in diamonds. While these watches nestle delicately on the wrist, they are particularly suitable for conscious jewelry combinations - for example with bracelets that keep the mini watch company. More of a piece of jewelry than a timepiece, the time here is almost irrelevant. That's actually what you have a smartphone for...

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