Wahltraut: Feminist election aid for an equal Bundestag

This week the time has come: After a wild election campaign, we go to the ballot tour on Sunday. Many interviews have been conducted in the past few weeks, all TV duels took place and migration and business were the dominant topics. Other areas have been missing: care work, women's rights, abortion, violence, lack of daycare places, female female-not a word about all of these topics. This leads us to the question: What parties is a feminist policy possible with? Where should I make my cross when equality and the protection of women's rights are important to me?

A feminist website now wants to help with the decision: "Wahltraut" provides an overview of the topics of equality and feminism before the Bundestag election.

Help for undecided

A survey by the Allensbach Institute for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung shows that a week before the Bundestag election, 38 percent of those surveyed are still undecided who they will vote on Sunday. Fortunately, there are some tools that offer us a bit of orientation. The best known is probably the Wahl-O-Mat from the Federal Center for Political Education. This tool is a kind of digital questionnaire that leads us through the most important subject areas from pension policy to nuclear power, queries our settings for 38 theses and ultimately calculates which party is most likely to fit together with our attitudes.

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"Wahltraut" works very similarly: Here, too, you click through 32 questions and in the end the results are compared with the positions that the parties have specified in their election programs. But "Wahltraut" puts a completely different focus: "Wahltraut helps to look through the political fog and make feminist perspectives visible," write her initiators on the website.

Where are the feminist candidates?

Behind "Wahltraut" are the activists Cordelia Röders-Arnold and Sally Lisa Stark, who started the feminist initiative #statt flowers in 2020. Under the motto "We don't want flowers, we want the same rights", they turned to the Federal Government in an open letter: They showed where there are still gaps in the area of ​​equality and demanded that “the next Bundestag filled with candidates will stand up for feminist demands ”.

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But where are these candidates actually? To find out that, Wahltraut was developed with which the feminist positions of the parties can be analyzed. In the 2021 federal election, Wahltraut was used for the first time and, according to the initiator, was interviewed 250,000 times. Wahltraut wants to build on this success this year.

When developing the theses, the initiators worked together with associations, organizations and experts on women's political issues. These include, for example, the LSVD Association Queere Diversity and the Federal Association of Compatibility. The result can now be on theWebsitelook at. Here we can click through, learn and ultimately vote for a policy that really protects and supports women in Germany.