Why women are still understaffed in science and how this can change in the future - and must

On February 11th there is an international day of women and girls in science. And it is precisely this attention! According to the Federal Statistical Office, the proportion of new students in the MINT area (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology) was 35 percent in 2022. Women therefore choose much less often to study in a MINT subject than men. Gender distribution is also unequal at RWTH Aachen University, one of the leading technical universities in Europe. Almost 23 percent of professorships at the university are occupied by a woman.

Fortunately, women have access to study today, and they also have the same options as men in terms of work. Nevertheless, there are still areas in which they are underrepresented and have fewer chances-especially the MINT area. Statista estimates the number of employed MINT academics in 2020 with just 23.5 percent. Why is that and what should change in the future?

Women in science - a minority

According to Dr. Christina Büsing, who has been a professor of combinatorial optimization at RWTH Aachen since 2021: “Women is assumed that they cannot think logically and rationally and too much of theirslet. They are not suitable for rigorous science. In addition, it is often said that they have to choose either family or science. If you have children, you have to justify yourself because you are not available around the clock. The opportunities that a combination of science and family bring with them are often overlooked. Women is also discussed a certain ambition, which is often considered a prerequisite for a successful career in science, and at the same time a leadership weakness is derived from this. This view is strongly shaped by a hierarchical and dominant leadership idea, which is still widespread at the university today. Other forms of leadership are not taken into account. "

If women have children, they have to justify themselves because they are not available around the clock. The opportunities that a combination of science and family bring with them are often overlooked.

Dr. Christina Büsing, professor of combinatorial optimization at RWTH Aachen

The challenges listed by Professor Büsing also reflect the results of conversations with scientists from various career levels at RWTH, which were conducted in the context of an analysis of the university's current state. When it is said everywhere that women can become everything they want, the actual result is sobering. It shows how strongly old thinking patterns are anchored. And that it is naive to believe that the world of work would be completely equal in 2024. But: Instead of accepting this fact, you should stand up for a profound rethink in large and small.It is always possible, but it only happens through action.

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How the future of women can change in science

Little will change for women in the natural sciences in the future. It takes role models for a new oneFrom scientists. “So far, students have often lacked role models at universities. I know some doctoral students who had no or just a lecture on a professor during their studies. I myself had no professor as a lecturer. This shapes and gives you the feeling that you cannot be successful. Accordingly, the mentor programs and the encounters with scientists are so crucial to change something, ”said Professor Büsing. Change can only be stimulated when universities and scientists make their voices visible and difficulties visible.

The RWTH Aachen, for example, wants to actively change something and started the "Not a token Woman" campaign for this. The motto: "Change now to change tomorrow". Women of the university with some provocative statements draw attention to their hurdles. In addition to discussions that can be stimulated, such an argument can not only strengthen the exchange and networking, but above all the visibility of scientists.

At her Paris Institute, Marie later encouraged her student. Because she showed them that you don't have to be afraid of anything, you can research and understand everything.

Out of the book "Little People, Big Dreams - Marie Curie"

The opportunities for women in science

In addition to all challenges, there are many opportunities and opportunities for women in the MINT area. Looking for his individual way is worthwhile.

Professor Büsing confirms this: “As a scientist, I am working on the big onesof our time. In my case in optimizing processes in healthcare, so that we continue to maintain our quality of care in the future and at the same time relieve the medical staff. That motivates me immensely. At the university I have many ways to develop personally, to constantly learn new things, to work with young, highly qualified students, to pass on my enthusiasm for my subject, to promote others and to open up new worlds through conference visits or research visits. ” Design everyday work through hybrid work so that he works well for you and your family.

Rethinking takes time

Equality - even beyond the natural science area - is nothing that happens overnight. It is a process. Any woman who uses her voice and merges with others can strengthen this movement.

Whether you work outstandingly has nothing to do with gender, but with a passion with which you are concerned. It will take a while until this has arrived behind every desk, in every lecture hall and company. To conclude this text with the words from the great scientist Marie Curie: "You have to believe in your calling and do everything possible to achieve your goal."