Monthly Horoscope February 2025: Dreams come true! This is what your zodiac sign expects this month

Long-cherished dreams are finally coming true! This is what February 2025 brings for your zodiac sign...

Zodiac sign Aquarius:You are facing a new beginning – and yes, that can be intimidating. Luckily, Mercury empowers you to make really important decisions. Think again about what you are leaving behind. Then it’s time to raise the curtain for the next act of life!Pisces zodiac sign:A great passion is brewing – despite the foreseeable end. The choice is yours: do you go without or create beautiful memories? Your heart already knows the answer.Aries zodiac sign:Old feelings are reactivated by seeing each other again. Is this now the second chance? Trust your intuition because Mars retrograde provides a clear view.Zodiac sign Taurus:A long-held dream comes true. Sounds too good? Your skepticism is one thing, but sometimes you just have to trust luck. Now is such a moment.Gemini zodiac sign:In the next few weeks your life will pick up speed: you will pursue your goals at full speed. You'll reach one in mid-February, but don't let it slow you down. Because yes, it goes further...Cancer zodiac sign:The planets open doors to the future and the past. They decide whether they want to take new paths or straighten old ones. The most important thing is: don't stand still!Leo zodiac sign:There is no shortage of good advice. Accepting it also means giving up control. Not a good idea for natural leaders like you. Better that you make your own decisions.Virgo zodiac sign:Your hard work has put you ahead of schedule. Now you have time to ask yourself whether your job fulfills you or just pays the bills... At the end of January, a realization awaits you.Zodiac sign Libra:As a self-confessed romantic, are you perhaps interpreting more into this relationship than is there? If you are unsure, try to remain as non-binding as possible. This way no one gets hurt.Scorpio zodiac sign:An important project is almost completed, but the last few meters on the home stretch require enormous strength. Are you ready? Only when your inner voice shouts “Yes!” is the time right.Zodiac sign Sagittarius:The cosmic balance shifts in your favor. Even if everything is not perfect: Jupiter makes you feel that you are on the right path.Capricorn zodiac sign:Friendship ends when money comes? Not if you sort things out with sensitivity. The best thing about it: you feel really free again afterwards.