New Year's Resolutions 2023: Some Realistic and Unconventional Goals to Consider

Although time is a social construct and it's unlikely that anything will magically change in you or in the world overnight, the end of each year and the inevitable arrival of the next can be a good reminder to reflect on your habits and plan some positive changes. Of course, no one (except your ex) is saying that you need to change something or that you should do it as soon as possible. And as adults, we know that what we want to do is not necessarily what we will do. But in life there are many opportunities to lose yourself and find yourself again. Here are some ideas for 2023 New Year's resolutions that will help you with the latter.

New Year’s Resolutions 2023 – Stay the same

The start of the new year may make you feel like you need to make drastic changes or improvements to your life. But what if you like your life as it is, at least for now? Don't let the holidays make you question the things you know make you happy. It's okay if you like staying at home. And it's okay if you like to get drunk on the weekends. If everything is going well, acknowledge that and carry on as you are.

Start caring about something

There is a lot going on in the world and a lot is constantly changing. Some of these things will prove important in five or 10 years, others will prove to be a waste of time. Pick one thing and resolve to take care of it, no matter how overwhelming or even hopeless it may initially feel. Maybe it's the climate crisis, the economy, local and international politics or cryptocurrency. Definitely you will learn something new.

Stop worrying about anything

Many people carry around the burden of expectations, their own or others', real or imagined. It would just be better if they left this behind them. Is it really so important to have the latest designer fashion if you can't afford it? What's the point of worrying about the number of likes on a social media post? It doesn't benefit you, it even robs you. Of your time and of everything that is worth and real. So stop torturing yourself and let it go.

New Year’s Resolutions 2023 – Keep something just for yourself

The best things in life are shared with others, but there are also things you should keep to yourself, at least for a while. That secret bar that no one knows about? Enjoy a few drinks alone before inviting a group of friends over. The great new restaurant? Let it become your secret place for a while and share intimate encounters only with your loved one. The pristine beach? Leave it untouched.

Call your family only as often as you want

Yes, you should spend more time with your family, but not if it means upsetting them. There's nothing wrong with setting some boundaries to make you appreciate them more and vice versa. Don't wait until someone is sick to visit them, but also don't visit them if it will only put you in a bad mood for a week.

Work as much or as little as you want (and can afford)

Aside from the work you have to do to survive, it's up to you to decide when to work harder and when to take it easy. Toxic productivity is a thing and if it is truly toxic then it should be avoided. But having a job that you enjoy and advancing in your career is also something to value.

New Year’s Resolutions 2023 – Embrace a bad mood

Nobody is happy all the time. And even if someone were happy, that doesn't mean you have to be too. Feel your feelings and take as much time as you need to overcome negative emotions. Wanting them not to exist only makes things worse.

Learn to shake off situations

You have a right to feel the way you feel, but few people actively try to insult, offend, or hurt you. So do what you have to do, just let it go and don't think about it.

All the usual reminders of health

We all know these things already, but we still need a reminder: drink more water, sleep better, exercise occasionally, get out in the sun, take vitamins, get checked out.

New Year’s Resolutions 2023 – Forgive a few people

There are reasons why we are angry and disappointed, but there are also reasons to forgive. Maybe it was a bad breakup or a friendship gone wrong. Once you've learned your lesson and changed, forgiving someone can feel good for everyone involved.

Need some inspiration for your 2023 New Year wishes?Here are some, which are always relevant and with which you can greet your friends, colleagues and family!