Column: Works for me! The last meters to the marathon

The clock is ticking. Loud. And in the last days before thatcontinuously. I dream about the upcoming competition. I hardly think about anything else anymore. I notice every pinch in my body. Any minimal change. Every burst of energy. But also the moments when I feel tired. Is it normal to completely freak out before a marathon?

My time calculation is divided - I'm talking about "before" and "after the marathon". From November 3, 2024, I will be a different person. Someone who dared to do his first run of 42.195 kilometers. With only 15 weeks of training, no running experience and an injury that turned 15 weeks into ten. Can I still complete the marathon? Perhaps. I don't know it. Not yet. But giving up is out of the question - after all, I haven't spent weeks and months changing my everyday life for a day in which I don't take part. It's the last meters that begin now - the last meters before the start.

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Between desperation and preparation

I really imagined the final preparations for the New York Marathon with New Balance differently: the all-important tapering phase was supposed to start after a final long run. This means recovery before the big competition. It is recommended to regenerate for two weeks before a marathon, during which the load is reduced to a minimum in order to be able to achieve maximum performance on the day of the competition.

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But for me everything turned out differently: a knee injury a good four weeks before the marathon threw me out of my training plan - so what's the point of recovering if you haven't achieved anything? Alongside regular physio, osteopathy sessions and desperate alternative workouts, the “being there is everything” mentality slowly seeped into my consciousness. The new strategy: take it easy until the pain is gone. A short 8 kilometer run before the marathon. Just for the feel. And ultimately hope for the best!

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New York Marathon: the last to-do's before the big day

But: If you don't waste time on the official marathon preparations, you can concentrate on the unofficial ones - which are also much more importantmirare equivalent to. A few days before the marathon, I plan my New Balance outfit according to the following disciplines: weather check, comfort check, aesthetic check. With 16 degrees forecast in New York, that means: long black leggings, a short T-shirt, a thin running jacket. And underwear that has already successfully completed a long run. I wear all of this warmly in the home office so that it sits comfortably on the big day (except for the slippers, of course!). Of course, my bright turquoise FuelCell shoes and mine are also allowedwith water bottles and snacks not to be missed.

Let's move on to the next topic: the gourmet selection. Since I'm not a big fan of surprises and also a bit of a Controletti, I take my own snacks with me - so I have them with me when I need them and don't have to rely on stops during the marathon. My marathon menu: chopped oat and protein bars from Naturally Pam (healthy and delicious!) and gels for absolute emergencies. Also for dessert: ibuprofen in case my leg gets cravings.

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A marathon tastes so good

The final organization of a marathon also takes some time. How do I get to the start line? What disposable (yes, seriously!) clothing should I wear over my running outfit? Do I have all the documents together? Fortunately, you can think about this over a good plate of pasta - a few days before the marathon they say:Carboloading. So cram in as many carbohydrates as you can. Probably my favorite part of the entire marathon preparation.

I'm still hoping that two plates of spaghetti Bolognese can compensate for my declining fitness. What I've lost in terms of training over the last few weeks, I'm now just eating back into it. Whether this is a promising strategy will become clear next Sunday. It's the last few meters before the big start. So the next time you'll hear from me is when I'm on the other side. Hopefully as a real marathon mouse.

I'm wearing this outfit for the New York Marathon:

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