Exhibition tip: “Rita Sabo – Sacred Planet” in Munich

    After Venice, Koblenz and Rome, Munich now follows for the first time:Artist Rita Saboshows her works in oneSolo exhibition in the Bavarian National Museum. In the“Sacred Planet” will feature sculptures and large-format paintings that have their origins in the symbolism of different eras and are translated into a contemporary context. Including some new pictures that Sabo created specifically for this exhibition.

    Art and sustainability: The deep message of the “Rita Sabo – Sacred Planet” exhibition

    At the center of thestands the earth, which is depicted as a holy planet in the work “Sacred Planet”. The sphere is surrounded by two rings that symbolize the continuous flow of energy and are a symbol of the dignity and inviolability of the earth. The roots of her inspiration lie in antiquity: sacred signs, mythical symbols, the laws of sacred geometry, as well as the findings of metaphysics and geometric shapes form the framework of her works. These are reinterpreted through a futuristic imagery by Rita Sabo and translated into kaleidoscopic and geometric shapes and symbols.

    The highlight is a group of different “Sacred Planet” sculptures in different colors, which symbolize the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the “Agenda 2030” adopted by the UN. With this work of art, Rita Sabo would like to appeal to more respect for the earth as a biodiverse habitat.

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    With my art I want to reach people on a subconscious level. To do this, I make use of the symbolism that I transform from the past into the present and transcend into the future.

    Rita Sabo

    The “Rita Sabo – Sacred Planet” exhibition can be seen from December 14, 2024 to January 12, 2025 at the Bavarian National Museum in Munich. Further information can be found herewww.bayerisches-nationalmuseum.de