Because pride lies behind all outstanding achievements in art, culture, sport and science. And even behind altruism (yes, helping others also makes you proud!). “Healthy pride is the emotional foundation of our. And helps us find an identity that makes us feel good,” explains American-Canadian psychology professor Jessica Tracy. For her, pride is “the most human of all emotions,” to which she dedicated an entire book (“Pride”). For a long time, pride was simply ignored in science. And in ancient Christianity it was even considered the highest mortal sin. Tracy has now proven the opposite with numerous studies: pride is a universal and important basic feeling. And is felt across cultures! The best proof: Even blind athletes intuitively assume the proud victory pose when they are successful: head up, chest out, arms up! “Pride is an evolutionary acquired emotional reaction,” explains the psychologist. Because it secures our place and thus protection in the community, but it is also the driving force for hierarchies, social status and progress.
Stand by it: Why healthy pride is the foundation for our self-esteem and ensures a fulfilling life
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