Who doesn't dream of onesmooth, youthful skin that just looks flawless? The characters of theSkin agingcannot be stopped, but with the right active ingredients we cancounteractively counteract. An absolute star in anti-aging care isRetinol. The versatile active ingredient is considered true miracle cure when it comes to smoothing wrinkles, reducing pigment spots and refining the skin structure.We have discovered a product that delivers the best results by far - and that is almost overnight!
First of all: the skin aging process is quite normal and affects all of us. Basically, wrinkles show that we all like to laugh and enjoy life. Nevertheless, we can reduce the fine lines to a minium and it needs that A suitable product with the right active ingredient to guarantee tighter and smoother skin.We discovered our favorite, which meets all criteria, at Eveline Cosmetics. A Anti-aging booster that holds what he promises…
TheShot anti-fold serum by Eveline Cosmetics with 0.2 percent highly concentrated retinolis therefore an indispensable companion when it comes to wrinkles. The power active ingredient is supported bySqualan and niacinamidsthat hydrate the skin, compensate for the skin tone and guarantee a more youthful look. With regular use, you will notice how the wrinkles become less. The results will speak for themselves!
Retinol istAn effective, active form of vitamin AandSupports cell growth. The natural antioxidant protects the skin's cells from free radicals. In contrast to conventional anti-fold products, it penetrates deep into the skin. Retinol stimulates collagen production from the inside and ensures in a short timeA pumped -up, more resistant and fine -poredSkin. The moisture balance is also preserved and the ability to regenerate is optimally stimulated. In addition, the retinoid has exhausted properties, which ensures an ultra-radiating complexion and delicate skin.