Medications, creams and home remedies: What really helps with herpes

    Your lip tingles and you know exactly: here it comes, the herpes. This usually happens when you are under strong...Stressstands, thatimmune systemis weakened, theSunlightis too strong or you yourselfdisgust. For some sufferers, just talking about a cold sore or seeing one is enough. So the head also plays a role. Unfortunately there is no cure for itHerpes-Virus (Typ 1),Because anyone who carries the virus will remain so for the rest of their lives. It cannot be removed from the body, but there are things you can do to prevent itLippen-Leidento reduce.

    Herpes: Relieve symptoms and accelerate healing

    There are numerous treatment options and home remedies that can help contain cold sores and get rid of them more quickly. However, the most effective method remains early use of antiviral drugs. Although these cannot completely cure the virus, they significantly reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. Common medications include:

    • Aciclovir (Zovirax)
    • Valaciclovir (Valtrex)
    • Famciclovir (Famvir)

    These medications are available in the form of tablets, creams, or ointments. Especially if there are early signs of infection, such as tingling or itching, it makes sense to use the medication early to prevent the virus from spreading and speed up healing.

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    External treatments to relieve symptoms

    Ointments or gels containing lidocaine:These have a pain-relieving effect and can help alleviate the symptoms.

    Zinc oxide creams:Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties and can help heal blisters.

    Aloe Vera:The herbal gel has soothing and healing properties and can support the skin in regeneration.

    Teebaumöl: Due to its antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, tea tree oil is sometimes used for cold sores, but should be used with caution and only diluted to avoid skin irritation.

    Many swear by itHerpes-Patches. The almost invisible adhesives are applied to the affected area at the first tingling sensation and can thus prevent or at least contain the outbreak. The patches also keep spread at bay.

    Home remedies to support healing

    Ice cubes or cold compresses: Icing the affected area can relieve pain and reduce swelling.

    Honig:Manuka honey is particularly recommended in the treatment of herpes due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Applying a thin layer to affected areas can help speed healing.

    Chamomile tea or compresses:Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and calming properties that can aid in the healing process. Chamomile tea bags can be placed on the affected areas.

    Please be extremely careful with babies

    Interesting: 90 percent of Germans carry this virus, but not everyone gets it! Everyone should therefore be particularly careful when dealing with babies, according to the motto “no kissing” - because herpes can be fatal for the very little ones.