Mother-daughter star sign: These 5 love each other-and these 5 argue constantly

Hardly any other family relationship is as intense as thatBetween mother and daughter. It can be characterized by intimate love, but also by friction.The zodiac constellationplays an important role in this: just like in couple relationships, there are also combinations in the family that work wonderfully-and those where it crashes almost every day (although mother and dotters like to have themselves!). Have a look:

These 5 mom subsidiary-star sign pairs harmonize excellently

1st zodiac combination: Mother Löwe, daughter Aquarius

DieLion motheris a born leader. She will sit on the parents' advisory board almost safely and stand up for her child's rights. But you can also have a lot of fun with her. It is not even unlikely that theAquarius daughterOn their first rock concert by their mom, where both enthusiastically dance in the audience. A lion mom will always want the best for her daughter, but grant her the necessary freedom.

2. Landmark: Mother Krebs, daughter Cancer

If she thinks of her mother, she willdaughter born in the sign of cancerbe fulfilled with pride. BecauseCancerare not only extremely social people, they are also firmly in life with both legs and regulate their affairs with ease. As long as this does not (too) be intimidating on the daughter, this mother-daughter combination is characterized by harmony and respect.

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3. Landmark: Mother Capricorn, daughter Scorpion

The scorpion is a perfectionist as he is in the book. When it comes to education, he would like to do everything right and is almost meticulously preparing for this role. As soon as the child sees the light of day, feelScorpionHowever, an intimate love that completely overwhelms her. Her daughters therefore forgive scorpion mums smaller and larger mistakes that they would never allow themselves. For theCapricornAgain, this is exactly the right mix of security and freedom that it needs so urgently.

4. Landmark: mother virgin, daughter fish

DieVirgin motherBuild a warm and soft network for your children during pregnancy. He knows thatFischVery appreciated, because he loves to be protected and cared for. The virgin is and remains a real heroine for her children, who has nothing to complain about.

5th zodiac combination: Mother Libra, daughter Capricorn

With aWaage as MamaUsually not much can go wrong. She keeps family life in balance and makes sure that nobody is neglected. The stubbornCapricornshe has a good grip and always manages to dissuade him from an opinion that was too stuck with clever arguments.

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Emme with her mom Jennifer Lopez

It crashes between these mother-daughter pairs

1st zodiac combination: mother lion, daughter fish

Need as a fire signLöwebornA lot of attention.FishFeel quickly scared away because they prefer their peace. Bringing both needs together demands a lot of patience from the mother and daughter. Although both feel great love for each other in the deepest inside, this relationship is shaped by many conflicts.

2. Landmark: Mother Aries, daughter Jungfrau

Meet in this constellationFire sign (ram) and earth sign (virgin)together. While the Jungfrau weighs the advantages and disadvantages before it acts, the ram wants with his head through the wall. This is particularly exhausting when the nobility born in the zodiac sign held the mother role. Here it means: talking, talking, talking - and ideally finding a common hobby that connects both.

3. Landmark: Mother Krebs, daughter Sagittarius

In the zodiac signProtectBorns need their freedom more than other zodiac signs. If someone takes their breath to breathe, shooters become restless and withdraw. So the emotionalKrebsIt is difficult to avoid: He demands a lot of love and attention and quickly takes rejections personally. In this constellation, both have to jump over their shadows so that it works with everyday harmonious family life.

4. Landmark: Mother Aries, daughter Sagittarius

Meet heretwo fire signsIn the family - and that is as explosive as it sounds. Both combine a great joie de vivre and the constant search for fun and adventure. What can later develop into a deep friendship between mother and daughter is characterized in childhood by many outbreaks of anger and disagreements, both of which can drive to the edge of despair.

5th zodiac combination: Mother Aquarius, daughter fish

DieAquarius-Mutter wants to raise their children as much freedom and independence as possible. The fish makes it difficult for her. He always likes to crawl into his cave, where he hangs after his dreams instead of making nails with their heads.

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