If it were only so easy to find out what fate is ready ... maybe we have the solution for you. By laying tarot cards you can get an impression of what may be waiting for you in the future. We'll tell you here how to put tarot cards correctly and what you have to pay attention to.
What is Tarot?
Tarot is a map oracle that is made of a deck with78 cardsPass that are divided into the large and small Arcana and from which each card has its own symbolism and meaning. TheLarge Arkana comprises 22 cardswho deal with the important questions of life and theSmall Arkana counts 56 cardswho can help with everyday things.
Since then14th centuryTarot cards are placed to get insights into the past, present and future. Tarot also offers countless opportunities to better understand yourself and your own environment.
How do I really put tarot cards?
All you need for your own prediction are theyTarot cards and a questionthat should be clearly formulated. If you have committed yourself to a question, the deck is mixed and the cards are slowly covered in the chosenPlay systemplaced on the table. You can find out more about the various legacy systems in the next paragraph. If all tarot cards have been placed, they are turned over one after the other and trying to interpret the cards with regard to the question asked. The cards can be interpreted individually or in connection with the other tarot cards. But your own intuition also plays a role when laying.
After interpreting the cards, you should take a moment to think about and think about the insights you have received,How they can be applied to the current life situation.
Place Tarot cards: These are the seven best known laying techniques
There are a variety of laying systems (also called "spreads") when laying tarot cards that can be used depending on the question and the desired depth of the analysis. Here are some of the best known and most frequently used laying systems:
1. Legal technology for beginners: The one-card laying
If you want a quick answer to your question, mix the entire deck and spread out all 78 cards in front of you. Now becomesa single carddrawn to get a direct answer to your question. This system is for the laying of thepopular.
2. Tarotkarten play my them “Der WEG” -Legsystem
Your question is about which way you have to take to achieve your goalseven cardsFrom the mixed deck and put them in a certain order:
Photo: girlfriend
This is how the tarot cards are placed on the laying technique "The Way"
Now to the interpretation:
- The first card refers toHow their chances are to achieve their goal.
- The second tarot card forms where the questionhas believed so far.
- The third card shows how the questioner so far in relation to thefelt your own goal,
- While the fourth tarot card shows how toon others acts.
- With the fifth card you learnHow to behave.
- The sixth tarot card makes a claimWhat feelings you should face or openand
- The seventh card showsHow to act now.
3. Laying system when laying tarot card: The three-card laying
This laying is versatile and answers the question with reference to the past, present and the future. However, it can also be used differently, for example if you after thePro and contra for an actionsearches, or if you are onConcentratewant.
Photo: girlfriend
The laying technique for the three-card laying
In the case ofRelationshipsThe first tarot card refers to yourself, the second to the partner and the third to the environment.
Looking for an answer for oneupcoming actiondeals with the first card with the things that speak for it, the second tarot card with the counter -arguments and the third card with the question "What happens if I really do it?".
4. Tarot cards lay with the "Celtic Cross"
The “Celtic Cross” is one of the best known and most comprehensive tarot layers thatten cardsconsists. The laying technology can be consulted for any question and offers oneDetailed analysis of every situationby looking at different aspects such as the current situation, challenges, conscious and unconscious influences, the past, future and the advice of the Tarot. This is how the cards are placed:
Photo: girlfriend
Tarot cards are laid in the comprehensive laying technique of the "Celtic Cross". Map one and two are placed on top of each other
This is what the ten tarot cards present at the legation:
- The starting situation:The first card represents the present and shows where the questioner is at the moment.
- The crossing:The second tarot card lies across the first card and symbolizes the adding impulse or the obstacle that must be overcome.
- The basis:Map No. 3 shows which goal of the questioner is deliberately in mind.
- The unconscious level:The fourth tarot card represents the aspects that unconsciously drive you around.
- The past:Tarot card no. 5 shows what moved the past from the past to ask the question at all.
- The future: The sixth card gives an indication of upcoming events or developments in the near future.
- The inner influences:The seventh card represents the inner attitude, feelings or the inner state of the questioner in relation to the situation.
- The external influences:Map No. 8 shows how the environment or other people influence the situation.
- The hopes and fears:The ninth card illuminates its own hopes, fears or expectations regarding the situation.
- The result:The tenth and last map shows the likely result or the solution to the situation, based on the current circumstances and energies.
5. Leges system of tarot cards for relationship and love issues
6. Tarot cards place for "the decision game":
This laying with seven tarot cards is an expansion of the three-card laying and helps with decision-making by making the advantages and disadvantagesdifferent optionsilluminated.
Photo: girlfriend
Tarot cards lay according to the legacy system for "the decision -making game"
The six tarot cards are interpreted in the "decision -making game":
- The current situation:The first card describes the current situation or the main topic that the decision requires.
- The 1st option:The second card represents the first option or the first way that the questioner is considering and shows the energy of this choice.
- The result of option 1:Map No. 3 shows the likely result or the consequences if you choose the first option.
- The 2nd option:The next card refers to the second option and shows the main features of this choice.
- The result of option 2:Tarot card No. 5 represents the likely result if you choose the second option.
- The influencing factors:The sixth card illuminates external or internal influences that could influence the decision.
- The advice:The seventh and last card offers general advice or a recommendation that can help with decision -making.
7. Leges system for tarot cards: "The blind spot"
For the laying system "The Blind Spain" you needfour tarot carts, to find out more about yourself with their help. When laying the tarot cards you will also find out where theDifferences between self-awarenesslie to your own person.
Photo: girlfriend
Tarot cards lay according to the laying system "The blind spot"
Once the cards are placed, each card deals with a different question:
- Map: whatI see and others?
- Tarot card: whatsee only other peopleIn me?
- Map: whathideawayI consciously before others?
- Tarot card: whatmovedme subconscious?
Can anyone put tarot cards?
In order to be able to lay tarot cards and also read, you don't have to complete any training or attend further training, becauseEveryone can lay the significant cards. In order to learn the laying systems and to interpret the cards correctly, it only takes some time and openness.
How often should you lay tarot cards?
There is no limit to how often you can ask the tarot cards for advice. The frequency with which Tarot cards are usedCan vary from person to person and depend entirely on the individual preferences, needs and goalsaway. There are no fixed rules, but here are some considerations that can help find the right rhythm:
- Daily practice:You put the Tarot Day card every day. Daily card laying can also help deepen the connection to the cards and strengthen intuition.
- Weekly or monthly laying:Some people prefer to make a more comprehensive laying weekly or monthly to get an overview of the coming days or weeks.
- If necessary:Tarot cards can also be placed if necessary if a specific question or situation arises that requires clarity or insight.
However, do not pay attention to the tarottoo often or compulsiveto use, especially when it comes to the always question or situation. Too frequent laying can lead to confusion and impair the clarity of the insights. If the cards of the cards cause stress or discomfort, you should take a break or rethink the practice.