Autumn Apple Crumble à la Jamie Oliver: This five-ingredient recipe is a hit

Is there one, which represents British cuisine more than apple crumble? TheAutumn classicshas been extremely popular for several decades and has now established itself as a traditional autumn and winter dessert in other parts of the world. Recipes and methods of preparation vary depending on the region and personal taste.

Of course the British celebrity chef has toohis version of a juicy oneHerbst Crumbleswithperfected. The best thing about the recipe? It consists of onlyfive ingredients,is made without much effort and tastes great thanks to oneSecret ingredientparticularly aromatic! Because Oliver adds crumble to his appleadded, which are baked in the oven to a golden brown topping that puts us on culinary cloud 9.

By the way, you can vary the apple crumble wonderfully by adding different types of fruit such as:Berries, pears, persimmons or plumsgrab some of the oat flakesor seeds and add exciting spices such as vanilla, cinnamon, ginger or cardamom. Let your imagination run wild – have fun trying it out!