Here is love at home: there are few divorces in this German city

DieFinding that lasts for a lifetime is - at least sometimes it happens - almost as unlikely as a six in the lottery. It is therefore not surprising thatLOTTO24, an online provider of lottery products, the chances of thatonce looked closely. It was in100 German cities and the federal statesThe ratio ofMarriages andIn 2023calculated. Do you maybe live in the love capital of Germany and don't even know?

Just three out of ten marriages go into the breaks on the Baltic Sea

As far as the federal states are concernedMecklenburg-VorpommernIn 1st place: In 2023 the divorce rate was with29 percent(8,633 weddings, 2,485 divorces) the lowest on average. The neighboring federal states follow just as happilySchleswig-Holstein(16.112 weddings, 5,092 divorces) andBrandenburg(11,895 weddings, 3,802 divorces) with a separation share of each32 percent. The top five complete withBayern(60,549 weddings, 19,727 divorces) andBaden-Württemberg(47,849 weddings, 15,761 divorces) the two southernmost federal states. Here there are33 percentDivorces per marriage. In theentire federal territory(360,979 weddings, 129.008 divorces) the quota is included36 percent.

Investigation of divorce rates in 100 German cities: Freiburg in love frenzy

If in the beautifulFreiburg im BreisgauThe wedding bells ring the marriage for most couples for all eternity - at least in86 percentthe marriages. According to the examination, only 173 divorces occur with 1,215 weddings. This corresponds to a divorce rate of14 percent. Maybe it is because the city is considered one of the sunniest places in Germany?

Heidelberg(906 weddings, 163 divorces),Würzburg(719 weddings, 153 divorces) andRegensburg(983 weddings, 211 divorces) are also part of Germany's love strongholds: the quota is here18 or 21 percent each. Be followed withBamberg(488 weddings, 113 divorces),Koblenz(574 weddings, 134 divorces) andMülheim an der Ruhr(1,047 weddings, 246 divorces) three cities with23 percentare on the same.Darmstadt(775 weddings, 189 divorces) andOsnabrück(697 weddings, 170 divorces) as wellUlm(728 weddings, 179 divorces) andLandshut(321 weddings, 79 divorces) complete the ten cities with the lowest divorce rate. They come up24 or 25 percent.