Even those who like to be in theknows some little annoyances that are just no fun - for example when the ketchup doesn't want to come out of the bottle and you have to use a lot of strength and patience. Unfortunately, we cannot avoid these problems, but they are still annoying.
That tooOpening bottles and jars with screw caps, for example for jam or, can cost us some nerves. But there is something for thisTchiboa practical solution: theMultiple bottle opener!
Never have to stress about bottles and glasses again – thanks to this helpful Tchibo item
No matter how hard you twist and turn, some lids are just way too tight. Sometimes ours arealso too slippery so the lid doesn't want to budge. The bottle opener from Tchibo comes in very handy because it means we can protect our hands and we get oneExtra power for unscrewing. In addition, we can open different sized lids with one and the same tool - it couldn't be easier!
So before we waste too much time on stubborn lids (or, in the worst case, even injure ourselves), we would rather rely on this helpful support. With a price of just6 EuroThis purchase makes more than senseto have one less annoying problem.