Like in a country house in Scandinavia: these pretty Scandi cups from Lidl

Simple elegance, neutral colors, natural fabricsand all this with an effortlessness that is to be envied. Yes, Scandi women have good taste and for that they are loved by the whole world.

We don't just look at fashionSkandi-Lookwith them, but also with. And so we're always on the lookout for pretty trends that could also work in the country house. These cups from Lidl are one of them!

These cups could be in a Scandi country house: but they all order from Lidl - only 16 euros!

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What makes Lidl's Scandi cups so popular?

Scandinavian women's favorite colors are subtle and reserved. These include: black, white, gray, beige and earth tones. And so the cups come in wonderfully neutral tones: creamy white, gray and beige. Perfect for the country house in the north.

Scandi women also prefer simple, timeless trends without flashy patterns or unnecessary details. This approach emphasizes clean lines and high-quality materials. Also when furnishing the apartment. TheScandi tableware from Lidlcomes in this clear design, without frills or patterns. Stylish Scandi women would love that too.

The Scandinavian way of living is about finding the right balance between casualness and elegance.Trendsshould not appear exaggerated, but should always appear natural and authentic. The stoneware cups from Lidl? They fit the picture perfectly.

For the price, any Scandinavian woman with style would probably get it.

More tips in the video:

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