In winter, many people use the down jacket constantly. Hardly a day goes by when we don't wear the cozy, thick puffer jackets, be it on the way to work, to the supermarket or to pick up the children from school. Who, however, regularly in everyday lifewears, he will know the following problem: Unsightly stains on the collar of theDown jacket, which are particularly concentrated in the chin area. Washing your down jacket every few days isn't an option due to time constraints alone - so what's the best way to remove makeup stains?
How to remove makeup stains from a down jacket: Here's how
Anyone who has ever tried to remove foundation or powder stains on the collar simply with water will have noticed: nothing happens. Something with more cleaning power is needed to combat the stubborn color pigments - and that's where it comes inHaushaltshelferthat you are guaranteed to already have in your closet:Rinse aid!
It's child's play. Simply put some rinse aid on a piece of kitchen paper or a clean cleaning cloth and rub it over the makeup stains. A short time later, the collar of your down jacket will be stain-free again - the trick takes a maximum of 30 seconds.
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Why is rinse aid so effective?
Make-up, especially foundation or, often contains fat and oil-based components that are difficult to remove. But rinse aid contains highly effectivesurfactants,which bind the fat molecules and make them water-soluble. This means that any oil-based residue can be easily removed. Since the materials of down jackets can vary, it is advisable to apply the rinse aid in an inconspicuous area beforehand to ensure that it does not damage the fabric or color of the jacket.
No rinse aid in the house? This trick also helps
If you don't have rinse aid, you can use another aid. And upMizellenwasser.Simply soak a cotton pad with it and rub it over the make-up stains - the tiny molecular complexes pull the dirt out of the material like magnets and ensure that the down jacket is clean again in no time.