According to KI: The best jeans for little women ... is this!

Foto: Edward Berthelot, Getty Images

Do you want to know which jeans little women are best? We asked these questions of artificial intelligence - and received the following answer

KI, alsoartificial intelligence, is already a larger part of our lives than you may think: Fitness trackers, voice assistants and much more we already use in everyday life - and is nothing more than AI. ParticularlyChatGPTHas been more and more well lately to edit texts, to write greeting cards or answer questions in no time - without having to do long research. Yes tooFashion questionsAnd in this regard we wanted to test the supposedly omniscient AI.

We want to know the following:Which jeans is the best for little women?The model, which according to AI gets most of the height of small women, is thisH&M jeans for only 29 euros (here)!

Here the jeans for kleisen women shop:

This is the best jeans for little women - according to AI

The reason: onehigh waistVisually extends the legs and ensures an upright posture. Thestraight legIf a continuous line creates, the legs also make it work longer. What you do withJeans purchaseThe AI ​​also reveals:

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  • Dark denim washing or vertical details (stripes):Both details increase the stretching effect. Jeans with a pinstripe pattern or striking, vertical sutures are therefore always a good choice.
  • Ankle length or slightly shortened:Cropped jeans or jeans in a 7/8 length prevent the legs from being “immersed” visually.

Shop the H&M jeans as outfit:

What we asExperienced fashion editorial teamof the pants tips for small women of the AI? In terms of cut and length, we are particularly agreed. With the color, on the other hand, we know that there are also bright tonescan have a great effect on the body size and you definitely not just have to put on dark denim.
In the foreground, however, it is always: Wear what you like and what you feel comfortable in - no matter what a AI says!