Belly grease killer recipe: Delicious low carb pizza from five ingredients

Who says thatAlways waiver? At least not we. Because with the right recipe you can even treat yourself to a delicious pizza and still yoursThe fight. The solution? OneLow Carb Pizzathat not only tastes sensationally, but also scores with high -quality proteins and healthy fats.

The highlight at thisis the dough that does not require classic flour. Instead, we rely on a mixture of egg, cheese and curd - a combination that is not only wonderfully juicy, but also theBlood sugar levels stableholds and is very protein -rich. This is how the dreaded craving is missing, and thatFat burningCan run at full speed.

And best of all: the preparation is so simple that you cannot help but try the recipe immediately. OnlyFive basic ingredientsare necessary to conjure up the low carb pizza dough. If you also fall back on a finished tomato sauce, you have almost no effort. Of course, the sauce tastes better-that's why we integrate a super simple recipe for a basic tomato sauce. Have fun trying it out!

Recipe for the most delicious low carb pizza ever

Ingredients for a portion

  • 200 g of lean curd
  • 2 owner
  • 100 g grated cheese
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 TL Oregano
  • 250 g passed tomatoes
  • Salt, pepper, oregano to taste

Settlement of your choice, for example:

  • grated cheese (Mozzarella, Gouda or Parmesan)
  • 100 g mushrooms, in slices
  • 100 g of cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 50 g Rucola


  1. The oven on180 degrees (circulating air)Preheat and layer a baking sheet with baking paper.
  2. Mix all the ingredients for the dough in a bowl and spread out on the baking paper to a pizza base.
  3. The dough aboutBake for 15 minutesuntil it is golden brown.
  4. In the meantime, prepare the tomato sauce: Mix the passed tomatoes with spices.
  5. Brush the pre -baked dough with the sauce, sprinkle with cheese and cover it as you wish.
  6. Bake for another 10 minutesuntil the cheese melted.
  7. Garnish and enjoy with fresh rocket before serving!

Tipp:The pizza is also a real highlight with other toppings such as spinach, feta cheese or serrano -wins - and therefore variable!