We all know it. In theWe are very well behaved, healthy and balanced, with manyand a lot, fed and then this happensAfternoon lowand thecandy draweris becoming more and more attractive. But salvation is at hand, because this oneSattmacher-Muffinis easy to prepare and is the perfect oneAfternoon snack, who just76 calories per piecehat.
Theis ideal for oneand can do thatbecause it is rich in protein, contains few calories and keeps you full for a long time.provides high-quality protein that promotes muscle maintenance and reduces cravings. Soft wheat semolina provides complex carbohydrates that slowly release energy, while the egg serves as a binding agent and another source of protein. With alow-calorie sweetenerslike erythritol, the dish becomes pleasantly sweet without affecting blood sugar. Fresh fruit as a topping, such as tangerines or fresh berries, round off the recipe with vitamins and fiber.
1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and divide into six silicone molds or a greased muffin tin.
2. Add the topping of your choice to the muffins and bake in the oven at 175 degrees for about 25 minutes.
Once cooled, the muffins can be stored in the refrigerator for a good four days.Bon appetit!