Easier than expected: Julia Roberts 4 golden nutritional rules

Hardly a Hollywood beauty manages to captivate as many people as Julia Roberts even after more than 30 years in the film business. She is everybody's Darling and is far from thinking about hanging her career at the age of 55. She is currently in the middle of the filming for a Romcom, in which she exchanges the body with Jennifer Aniston: the latter should be happy about it: Julia Roberts has fabulous curves and not only shines outwards (this smile!), But also from the inside.

Julia Roberts adheres to these 4 nutritional principles

But how does she do that? In addition to good genes, your sports and nutrition plan should certainly play a role (Roberts takes four to five sports units per week!). What ends up on the plate and what simple nutritional principles you follow, we ventilate here:

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1. Nutrition principle: no strict bans

Anyone who forbids certain foods will sooner or later increase their desire for precisely these foods. Therefore, Roberts eats what she has appetite and also treats herself something sweet. In an interview with the American"People"-MagazinShe reveals: "I love a good cookie!" And also justifies her preference for pasta with a wink: "Why is everyone afraid of pasta? She never did anything to us and we shouldn't be mean to her." A low-carb diet for Roberts would be out of the question.

2. Nutrition principle: variety on the plate

However, if you now think that Roberts feaks happily on it and eats on pasta and cookies every day, you are wrong. Instead, it attaches great importance to balanced meals that provide a lot of protein and are rich in vitamins. For theBreakfastSets it loudlyAND! NewsFor example on sourdough bread with avocado and eggs or homemade granola, berries and yogurt. At noon it can be baked artichoke with polenta or filo pie with spinach filling. And for dinner there are loudgoodhousekeeping.comDelicious dishes such as salmon in ginger crust with quinoa and Chinese vegetables or wolf bass with beans salsa and asparagus on the table. According to Instagram, it can also be a collected berries in summer.

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3. Nutrition principle: Essen is a family matter

Eat without a thought and also watch television or on the cell phone, Julia Roberts does not get in the bag. She is the advocate of the careful food (more on the subjectmindful eatingRead here) and try to teach your children the things that you know about healthy eating. "We definitely try to eat carefully," she told the US magazine Instyle. "I always say to my children: 'You have to eat the good things to get good things.'"

4. Nutrition principle: no gluten, a lot of organic

Julia Roberts makes no secret of the fact that her organic quality products are close to heart. She also makes sure that she and her family avoid gluten. The so -called glue white is a protein in wheat, barley, rye and oats, but can be replaced well. For example, the actress loves gluten -free banana bread, of course baked himself.